Thursday, 19 May 2016

RECIPE: Granola bars with Manuka honey, chia seeds, almonds and lots of good stuff.

Granola bars with Manuka Honey, chia seeds, goji berries and chocolate

I am constantly looking out for good desk-breakfast ideas. After I got into a serious breakfast biscuit habit earlier this year, I made an effort to quit with the super sugary, processed foods first thing and make my own. So for a while now – pretty much since this post – I’ve been enjoying granola, yogurt and fruit. It’s been months now, and I’m still not sick of it.

But sometimes, it’s not the most practical breakfast. It doesn’t work if I’m spending the day on the road, or come in straight to a meeting. So I’ve been pondering other, more portable options, and it was about this time that Holland & Barrett came to my rescue, challenging me to make something with Manuka Honey and ingredients from the Holland & Barrett website.


Sunday, 8 May 2016

REVIEW: The Ship Tavern, Holborn, London

The Ship Tavern Holborn London Food Review
The Ship Tavern Holborn London Food Review

I love a good friend-date. Wining, dining, wining again… with no pressure to look your best or even be your best. Just you and one of your besties, eating excellent food and drinking excellent drinks and having excellent chat.

It's always been one of my favourite things about blogging, actually. I've been doing this a long time now, and I've had some wonderful opportunities over the years, and so it's really special when I can share those opportunities with the people I love. And as Matt gets more than his share of free dinners and hotel breaks, I make an effort now to combine my food reviews with a good friend-date. So, step forward The Ship Tavern in Holborn and my BFF Amy (I know, I miss her blog too).


Thursday, 5 May 2016

RECIPE: Coconut Lentil Dhal

Vegan Lentil Dhal with Coconut Milk

Last year, I got A Modern Way To Eat by Anna Jones for my birthday, and quickly became obsessed. It's a great cookbook. Full of exciting, unusual flavours - a little Indian inspired, a little Moroccan, and a fair few other cuisines thrown in for good measure. But it's not full of difficult to find ingredients, and most of the recipes are fairly cheap to make. Oh, and it's vegetarian. I was halfway through it before I noticed.

I will, sometimes, try to eat less meat. Usually it's less RED meat, because I find chorizo and bacon tend to be present in a lot of my sauces. But I generally find that I can take or leave chicken in a sauce, which then means I turn towards the veggie options. So when I'm on a vegetarian kick, I turn to Anna Jones for inspiration.

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