Friday, 25 February 2011

I can't slow down, I won't be waiting for you.

Are we here already? This week has sort of got away from me – quite a lot of late nights at work, I suppose, but mostly I’m not sure where the time went. I’m so relieved it’s Friday though – the week has sped by but I’m exhausted! Partly due to having less than 6 hours sleep last night. I need over 7 to function like a human.

I quickly snapped this outfit after work yesterday before trying on everything in my wardrobe to find something to wear to a tiny My Chemical Romance gig in Islington. The dress code was colour – in line with the Fabulous Killjoys – and I struggled! Florals wouldn’t really fit and it seems like my entire wardrobe is florals these days. I need to go to more gigs where the dress code is sexy librarian. (I ended up wearing a red skirt and bright blue top and a LOT of eyeliner.)

The gig was AMAZING though – seeing a band like that in such a small venue meant the atmosphere was electric. I ache all over today but am determined to get to more gigs now this year – my attitude of late has been ‘Well, I’m going to Glastonbury, that’s like all my gigs for the year in one!’ NOT THE SAME. Who’s with me? More jumping up and down getting elbowed in the face in grubby London venues please! (Also, it is such a good workout! I am going to invent moshaerobics. It will take off, you’ll see.)

Anyway, back to the outfit, which is about as far removed from a moshing ensemble as you can get. I picked up this dress in Primark last week, to celebrate payday finally arriving. I also picked up this bag. And these boots in New Look. I think even the tights are new. I love you, payday. I really like the dress – it reminds me a little of this number – and although I think the print is a bit ugly, I still like it. No one agrees with me when I say it’s ugly, even when I try to clarify that it’s ugly in a NICE way. Green is always one of those colours I get told that I should wear more of, especially with my reddish hair. Also, it’s a good length, which means that I can factor it into my work wardrobe. Love it.

It was surprisingly hard to get a good photos of these awesome boots.
Dress – Primark (£10)
Bag – Primark (£7)
Boots – New Look (£20)

This entry seems a little all over the place today – I think my tiredness is obvious. I’m off to dye my hair and paint my nails with my new nail polish that arrived yesterday. And then I’m going to watch a cheesy girlie romcom of no artistic merit whatsoever. And SLEEP.

I’m off to a couple of blogging events tomorrow, so I’ll be sure to report back next week. Have a good weekend everyone! Oh and so glad you all liked my cheesy playlist - I'll try and post more!

Monday, 21 February 2011

Under grey skies I'll come undone.

While the rest of the blogosphere, it seems, spent their weekend oohing and aahing over beautiful clothes on beautiful models on beautiful catwalks. I, however, loaded up my leopard print holdall and escaped to the country, as far as possible from London Fashion Week.

(Not on purpose, mind – it just worked out that way!)

Road Trip!

Originally I’d planned this to be a picture post on the gorgeous little village that my oldest friend Jo has moved to – Lavenham, in Suffolk, which I was mostly excited to note is the filming location for Godric’s Hollow AND Hogsmeade! And if you don’t know what those two things are, then I give up. I just give up.

However, the weather this weekend was awful, so we didn’t do very much outside wandering, and I took hardly any photos. We did, however, have a lovely weekend with some of our closest friends, eating scones, drinking wine, painting our nails, experiencing the wonder that is cheese fondue (WOW) and watching A LOT of Sex and the City. I love being a girl.

If you're planning a road trip soon and fancy an Epic Dance Party, I uploaded my playlist to Spotify. It is epic (and very cheesy).

Friday, 18 February 2011

You can't go home, the night is young. I'm blacking out, but it's been fun.

Dress - H&M
Belt - Accessorize via Ebay
Tights & Shoes - New Look
Necklace - Topshop

I got this dress in the H&M sale just after Christmas. I promptly removed the giant rosette - not really me.

It's gorgeous, although the bodice is a little on the tight, low-cut side. I think it's allowed, because the length is so demure - but it's a shame as it rules it out of doubling as workwear! I wore it to my friend's party a couple of weeks ago, a do from which I didn't get home until almost 5am. Not quite sure how that happened.

This post feels a little like deja vu - there is obviously something deep within me that feels compelled to team polka dots with red.

And, finally. An admission. In every folder of outfit photos of me, there will almost definitely be some extremely blurry photos of me looking a bit silly. My most common problem is getting distracted by whatever music is on at the time and starting to have a boogie while I'm still holding my camera remote.

But, come on. You guys do that too, right?


Tuesday, 15 February 2011

I put some new shoes on and everybody's smiling.

If you want to to make instant friends with any English girl in her mid to late twenties, you just need to utter these three words: 'Clarks Magic Shoes.'

The response may hurt your eardrums, but in no time you'll be squealing away about the Clarks Magic Princess Shoes that had a REAL KEY IN THE SOLE. Don't remember?

In addition to that fabulous piece of advertising, the shoes had a little bubble in the sole with a key in them (THE ONE SHE STEPS ON THE ACTUAL ONE) and came with a little silver brooch and stickers that I got in lots of trouble for sticking onto my wooden bed.

I have unusually wide feet, and normally had to get my shoes at the specialist shoe shop in my town for kids with weird feet (oddly, though, I don't know anyone who DIDN'T have to go to Footsteps. Is there such thing as a normal foot?) but for some reason, the Princess Shoes fit me! I had black patent ones, and still remember wearing them to school and my friend Julia going 'OH MY GOD YOU HAVE PRINCESS SHOES!'

Fiona made me remember these magic shoes again although Katie also posted about them, using the brilliant reasoning that they're to blame for our generation's shoe obsession.

I was struck by the injustice and madness that they do not exist any more. WHY do they not exist any more? Can you think of a little girl who would not ADORE these shoes? They wouldn't even need to change the ad campaign!




Because, I don't know about you, but I would totally wear these shoes. My black patent Mary-Janes are my most-worn footwear (hideously scuffed, but oh so comfy). And I can think of LOADS of fashion-conscious ladies who would snap them up. The media coverage would be phenomenal. They would be an instant, huge-selling cult item. As someone who spends her days working in marketing, I think that not maximising on this opportunity is madness.

So let's start a campaign. BRING BACK THE PRINCESS SHOES, CLARKS.

Blog about this! Hashtag #trustyourmagicshoes and @ the hell out of @clarksshoes. WE NEED OUR PRINCESS SHOES.

(Photos found here)

Monday, 14 February 2011

Killing time on Valentines, waiting for the day to end.

I am both hopeless romantic and hateful cynic. My opinion of February 14th is somewhat conflicted.

Either way, it seems to be a good excuse to have chips for dinner.

All images from weheartit.


Friday, 11 February 2011

We'll give you back your halo for your flaming red hair.

Last Saturday, I headed into London for the much anticipated event Plus London, organised by the amazing Lauren from Pocket Rocket Fashion. Lauren organised this huge event, gathering bloggers from far and wide and bringing us altogether for drinks, cupcakes, gossip and clothes. Lauren took on SO much, even securing sponsorship from a whole host of brands, and it all paid off - the event was incredible.

Although it was aimed primarily towards plus-size bloggers - see a massive list of all their fab blogs here - anyone was welcome, and I wasn't going to turn down the chance to meet some of my favourite ladies!

Awesome venue + stunning clothes - what's not to love?

The event ran all day with shopping and lunch, but I headed in for early-evening cocktails in my Favourite Place Ever, Thirst in Soho. I finally got to meet Carla from MessyCarla and Claire from A Monkey Fatshionista, both of whom are hilarious, adorable and amazing. I had so much fun catching up with them! It was also lovely to meet Jade from Jade by the Sea - I've found a lovely new blog to follow!

Pre-Party drinks in Thirst: Carla & Jade plus mine and Carla's matching Chezza hairsprays!

Also joining us were Ellie and Amy - I know I talk about these ladies a lot on here, but, um, they're so much more awesome than most other people. I love those girls! Just hanging out with them makes any event a million times better.

Team Redhead!

After a quick Long Island Ice Tea and a Raspberry Daiquiri, we headed to The Strand Gallery to meet everyone else! There were gorgeous cupcakes and nibbles plus lots of champagne, and lots of gorgeous clothes to look at from ASOS Curve, Torrid, Yours and SimplyBe.

Like everyone else, I went home with a huge grin on my face and woke up on Sunday feeling totally happy and content. After every blogging event I always seem to get a bit sappy but it's just so amazing to hang out with so many gorgeous, talented and hilarious ladies. If you're a blogger and have been feeling hesitant about going to an event or meetup - DON'T. I can guarantee you'll have the best time.

Also, you get people to do silly outfit photos with! I was told I HAD to do this face... apparently I do it a lot? :)

The standard blogger pose apparently!
Zoolander reference - can't turn left!

I wore this dress from Primark, which I've only worn once before and ended up feeling a bit self conscious because it's a tad cleavagey. But I risked it, and yeah, there are a few shots of me that are a little risque, but for the most part, it wasn't too bad! I do like this dress, it's mega flattering and the print is gorgeous. It did have a weird criss-cross design on the front but I cut it off as it was strange.

Dress - Primark
Bag - Accessorize
Tights - New Look
Shoes - Matalan
Ring & Necklace - Topshop
Bracelet - Me (coming soon to my etsy)
Nail Polish - OPI Mad As A Hatter over China Glaze C-C-Courage

I also wore this beaded Accessorize bag that I've had for AGES but never use because it's so pretty (you may recognise it as it usually hangs on my wall). I did worry that after loading it up with my camera, wallet and everything else, I'd bring it back with frayed straps but it seems okay! Still, I won't be using it every day - don't want to ruin it. I curled up my hair, too - it was so rainy and windy outside that straightening seemed pointless!

Overall it was an amazing event, HUGE well done to Lauren for organising it (I'm so sad I didn't get a photo of her as she looked GORGEOUS - but you can see her in Ellie's post here!) and massive cuddles to everyone I met. Let's all do it again soon!

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

I used to write. I used to write letters, I used to sign my name.

Last year, my friend Hayley flew off to California and asked if there was anything I wanted. The obvious answer was, of course, 'COOKIE CUTTERS!!' After seeing this post by Ellie, I'd been a bit obsessed with getting my hands on these William Sonoma cutters. I love the idea of imprinting your own messages on cookies!

Amazingly, Hayley found them (THANK YOU HAYLEY) and Ellie and I were overjoyed at the prospect of bringing printed cookies to the UK masses. Ellie has already posted her creations - aren't they gorgeous?

However, as she hinted in her post, I'd already had different ideas of what to do with mine. Um.


I made a batch of these for my friend's party a couple of weeks ago - it was worth it for the reaction of my friends, from 'Oh wowww, you made biscuits, how lovely...' to 'SARAHHH. These are RUDE!'

Inspiration... and space.

I'd, er, been watching a fair bit of Father Ted.

I used the sugar cookies recipe from the Hummingbird book as I know they're yummy, but they came out a little scruffy (also I am not talented at icing), so next time I think I'll try the recommended recipe from the William Sonoma website. Scruffy or not, though, they've got to be the funniest adventure in baking ever.

Now, come on. What would you print on YOUR cookies?
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