Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Dance yourself clean.

Glastonbury is over for another year and I have a SAD. It was so awesome. It's ALWAYS so awesome. Even when you're standing in the pouring rain, watching a band that you don't like all that much, it's STILL awesome (partly because they sell hot cider! Hot cider is the best thing in the world. Why doesn't everywhere sell hot cider?)

The weather was crazy - pouring and muddy one day, beautiful and sunburn-inducing the next - but that's all part of Glastonbury's charm. I've even come back with a slight tan - VERY rare for me!

My highlights: Beyonce (AMAZING), Chase and Status (SO GOOD), The Kills (Alison Mosshart is SO FRICKING COOL) and singing American Pie in the middle of thousands of people along with Don McLean. Oh, and this one burrito I had. It was phenomenal.

Also? Circus skills - now an annual activity - and the Silent Disco.

I got it up there seconds after this photo was taken, I did!
I lived in this hat - just £5 from H&M - so stylish, SPOTTY, and ideal for sun or pouring rain! J'adore. And I didn't totally ruin it!


The non-stage areas are always my favourite bits - so much creativity and mad visuals all in one place. I loved the dystopian universe they created in Shangri-La - so weird and creepy and awesome.


If you're someone who has thought of going before, and been scared off by the mud and the camping and the everything - don't be. Yes, it's muddy. Yes, we got rained on. Yes, sleeping in tents and not showering is not that fun. But the highs way, way, way outweigh the lows. Everyone is having the time of their life, so everyone is lovely and happy. The music is incredible. The food is awesome. But more than everything else, it's the atmosphere that has brought me back six times already.

It's not on next year - there's a fallow year to allow the farm to recover - but I'm already plotting for 2013. YOU SHOULD COME.

PS - My friend Russell took a lot of these photos - well, all the best ones. His flickr is here - he is ridiculously good at this photography business.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

You only hear the music when your heart begins to break.

If you've missed my tweets - varying equally between excited and stressed - I'm off to Glastonbury! I'm so excited - I don't care if it rains, I don't care if I come back entirely covered in mud (okay, I care a BIT) - Glastonbury is the best place in the world and I am overjoyed it's come around again! I've scheduled a post for Friday, but normal service will resume next week when I'm back. Have an amazing week, everyone, and if you're at Glasto and spot me, come say hi!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Lighten up, it's gonna brighten up.

One of my favourite things about Aussie shampoo and conditioner is how rich and moisturising it is. If my hair is looking a bit frazzled, or I want a super sleek do that's gleaming with health, I always wash it with Aussie first. It's ace, but so moisturising that I can't use it every day because my hair would just get weighed down with it. So - probably not just because of me, but I like to think it was - Aussie have brought out a new range called Lusciously Light, which is - you guessed it - light enough to use every day.

 But the best thing with Aussie is that they're never content to just launch a new shampoo, they have to organise lots of fun stuff all around it. So, firstly, all the Aussie Angels got a special delivery of a helium balloon to work (we kept mine around the office for a little bit and then all ended up doing silly high pitched voices, because you kind of have to.)


Then we had to choose our challenge - did we want to lighten our style or ourselves? I chose self because I'm fairly happy with my hairstyle, which meant that I got sent off on boot camp with lots of other bloggers!

It was actually really fun - they did work us hard with an aerobics class and a yoga class that made me hurt for DAYS afterwards, but we were given yummy healthy food to eat and had a good giggle and did our bodies some good too. Plus, I had a lovely time hanging out with some of my favourite bloggers, Jen, Harriet, Lil, Kristabel, Maria, Sherin and Maria!

Pics from Uncover Aussie.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Where the owls go.

So, I've got something to tell you all. Um. Well. I've met someone.

There's a new man in my life.

His name is Terence.
I saw Terence hanging on a market stall in Florence and quickly became a bit obsessed. He's just so... FIERCE.

I adore all the detail - the swirly beaded eyes, the gold layered feathers and the little ears. He's also a really good size - easily big enough for my camera - and very well made. And I can swing him about, happily confident that I'm not going to meet many other fashionistas with their own Terence (well, except The Clothes Horse, who originally led me to keep an eye out for glitzy owl bags during my holiday).


 Oh, and the name? Well. Doesn't he just LOOK like a Terence? 
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