Sunday, 17 June 2018

I got married!

I got married! And somehow it was nearly a month ago and I haven't blogged about it yet. There's just so much I'd like to say about it that I didn't know where to start, so every time I sat down to write something I'd get overwhelmed and go on Spartoo to buy shoes instead. There's a sale on right now, did you know?

It was such an amazing day. The sun shone, the booze flowed and I felt loved and happy and wonderful all day. No, not everything went 100% to plan, but so much else completely surpassed our expectations. Our venue looked breathtaking. Our food was incredible. Our photographer was a bloody genius (you can see some more of our photos here). And nothing will top our epic last dance to Meatloaf.

There's so much more I could say, and I will. It was a huge thing to organise, and I learned a lot. It was so much fun though, and at some point I'll impart ALL MY KNOWLEDGE onto you.

But for now, I'll spam you with some pictures. Isn't my husband a dish?

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