Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Holidays are love.

I got back from Turkey about a week ago. It feels like longer - I've been super busy. I've started a new job, I've entertained Americans, stuff like that. And I'm going to Glastonbury tomorrow! Today, actually, because it's really late. I'm all packed and I'm just about to paint my nails bright pink. Good times.

Anyway, Turkey was great! Really hot, which my pale skin just
adored, and pretty! Look, here is a Temple!

I know, right? It's a Temple! Of Apollo! We also saw a tortoise. A WILD tortoise!

And hurrah for the sea.

My holiday was dramatically improved by the following items:
BHS polka-dot swimsuit, £20

SO CUTE. And flattering. I loved how it was a halter-neck, so was very strap-mark friendly, and when I was out of the pool, it was super-easy to convert to a strapless cossie. And, no wobbly tummy issues! Perfect. When did BHS get so good?

Straw hat

Mine was £5 from Glastonbury, and is actually made of hemp! So apt. But this kind of saved my life, as it was SO HOT that I would have just burnt to a crisp. And what's worse than a burnt scalp? Um, nothing, that's what. Plus, it kind of made me feel like a cowgirl.
Toni & Guy Beach Curl Spray, £5ish.

Everyone loves these sprays at the moment, and while I'm desperate to try the Bumble & Bumble version, I can't spend £17 on it, I just can't. But I took this out with me, and OMG, my hair has never looked so good. I chucked it on when it was wet and by the time I'd finished breakfast it was all dry and curly and pretty. Amazing. I was almost as happy with it as with my loved and lost John Frieda spray. I am very curious to see if it works the same kind of magic in English conditions. But for holidays - ESSENTIAL.
Okay, time to do the nail-paintings and then go to bed. I am taking way too much stuff.

See you in about a week for my own little guide to surviving Glasto! (if I do)

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Short hiatus.

I'm going on holiday!

Back in a few days. :)

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Studying in the sunshine.

So, two days to my exam. Thursday. I might have mentioned it. Eeeep. It's actually a retake, so I'm determined not to screw it up... but it's so hard getting my head round revision when I haven't done it since school. Plus, hand cramps! Surely you should be allowed to type your answers now.

Plus, when the weather is this beautiful, reading about marketing theory is the last thing I want to do. I really hope it lasts for Glastonbury.

So yesterday, instead of spending all day shut in my room with my books, I decided to venture up to the quiet meadow at the top of my lane and study there instead. Camera in hand, of course.

SO much nicer than my bedroom! It was just me and a few sheep. Slightly menacing sheep. I think if I'd mentioned mint sauce, they would have trampled me.

Unfortunately, it was so warm that it made me want to sleep all afternoon instead of study. But I didn't get sunburnt, which was an unexpected joy. :)

So, bloggers, where's your favourite place to study?

Back to the books. :(
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