You know how some people just don't have a sweet tooth? If they indulge then it's absolutely going to be crisps or pizza or wedges - all the carbs, basically - but chocolate just doesn't do it for them? And then, of course, there are the opposite. The people who could cheerfully eat their bodyweight in jelly sweets or cake but aren't too fussed about the breaded and battered food group?
Yeah, I'm not either of those people. I have an epic sweet tooth and a big old carb appetite too. Ever since I first dipped a McDonald's french fry in a strawberry milkshake, I realised I could have it all, and by jove, I would. My ideal situation is a buffet of brown food - potato wedges, sausage rolls, pizza, chicken - and then an equally awesome buffet of chocolate based treats. And then another buffet of brown food once my sweet tooth was exhausted. That sounds incredible.