This all means that I won't be a wrinkly old prune when I get old. You guys, I just turned 30 and I still get IDed when I buy wine. This whole embracing being pale thing is WORKING. Out of necessity, I've become a pretty obsessively conscientious person in hot weather. Here are my top 3 tips for being just like me:
1 - Wear suncream, all the time. In summer, I use a special facial suncream that's oil free so my skin is protected without getting clogged. It's part of my morning routine, so I don't even have to think about it (most of the major brands do them - I use a Simple one).
2 - If you're going to be out in the sun for a while, wear a hat. Have you ever had a sunburned scalp? It really flipping hurts. Hats mean that it doesn't hurt to brush your hair and they are CUTE.
3 - Drink a LOT of water. I always drink at least 2 litres a day (often more like 4) and try and keep an eye on the other things I drink - for instance, a can of diet coke is not the equivalent to a glass of water and won't hydrate you. Caffeine is actually dehydrating. Even though diet coke is the BEST. See also: wine.
If you are scoffing at my good advice, then I will tell you about the time I got sunstroke at Glastonbury. Having to stumble for half an hour through a busy festival site, trying not to be sick (and there are a LOT of food stalls and unshowered people at Glastonbury) and then only having a boiling hot tent to lie down in and then having to negotiate portaloos - it taught me exactly what happens if I don't obey my own rules.
AXA PPP healthcare have put together a be healthy flipbook on their own golden rules for the summer - the three I mention above are all in there plus lots of others, so you see, I AM right - you can also follow them on Twitter for some daily tips. Take a look and don't die! What are your magic rules?
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