Thursday, 31 March 2011

I sleep with my hands across my chest, and I dream of you with someone else.

Ladies. Let’s talk about boobs.

I don’t know a single lady who is happy with hers. Whether they’re too small or too big (or fit into a myriad of other complaints), generally, boobs are just a pain. I think that attitude is why so many of us don’t bother to get measured as often as we should, preferring to live in blissful ignorance. I wear my bras until they fall apart, and usually replace them with cheap ones from Primark – it’s really not an area of my wardrobe I pay much attention to! But I don’t think I’m alone - when I told my friends I was off to get measured at Bravissimo, I was met with lots of ‘Ooooh, I so need to get measured, I have NO idea what size I am!’ (and more than one person asked if I had to model their bras on my blog – um, no. Not that kind of website.)

I paid the Covent Garden store a visit and was really impressed with the service. They don’t use measuring tape at Bravissimo, instead they assess your size by eye. I’ve worn a 36DD for quite some time, and was preparing myself to go up a cup size or two (I’d predicted that I might be a 34E) – I was actually measured as a 32G!! My fitter came in with her arms full of bras and I tried them all – there were at least 20. I found out that because of my shape, I can’t wear balcony bras – I tried one on and it wasn’t comfortable at all – so went for the Freya, a lovely purple leopard-print plunge model.

I also tried on a few strapless bras and marked a couple away for future reference (wedding season’s coming up!). It’s the bane of my life that I can never find one to fit me properly – I’ve always just assumed that I was built to wear straps. So I’ll be road-testing one of these in the summer, definitely! (I’ll be sure to report back)

If you’re putting off getting measured, I urge you to pop in to a Bravissimo store if you have one near you. The fitters are so friendly and instantly put you at ease, and they are so helpful. Wearing bras that don’t fit right doesn’t do you any good at all – it’s not great for your posture, and can even make you look larger! When I put my dress back on after trying on the new bra, it fit so much better. And a fitting is free – so you really don’t have anything to lose…

(Thank you Hayley for the BOOBZ pic at the start due to my lost calculator!)

Monday, 28 March 2011

Pick a rose just to hide my face.

"Being the Nicola"

I coined this term a few weeks ago, when going out with a group of girlies who, while I love dearly, I have very little in common with, at least on the surface. I wouldn't look - or feel - right with fake tan and false nails. I prefer delicate, quirky necklaces over chunky, glitzy beads. I like my accessories to look as if they could pass for vintage or antique (even if they're high street).

It's fine, of course - I am who I am, and am totally happy with my style - but sometimes I can't help but get fed up with being a little bit different.

My latest inspiration in these moments is Miss Roberts here. She always looks like the odd one out in Girls Aloud, and has spoken out before about trying in vain to fit in - but now she's embraced her quirkiness, she's about five thousand times cooler. So much more interesting and stylish than ever before - and SO much more so than the rest of her St Tropez-loving bandmates. Love this girl.


Friday, 25 March 2011

Slip back out of whack at your best.

As someone who doesn't wear jeans - EVER - I have certain dresses in my wardrobe that I consider my equivalent. They're normally the cheaper numbers, a little more shapeless than my favourites. At least a couple of them have holes in. And this - one of my on-rotation Casual Friday numbers - is one of those very dresses.

It's a really sweet dress - I picked it up last year in Primark - but it's always been a day dress to me, never a pub dress. I sometimes think adding a layer to a dress casuals it up a bit - but this dress is downright indecent without a vest under it! I wore it to work today, along with - that's right - NOT TIGHTS. Now the weather has warmed up a bit (pleeeease stick around, sunshine!) I've had to summer up my wardrobe in a hurry. Thank god for leggings.

Dress & Shoes - Primark
Belt - Accessorize
Necklace - Topshop

I've been living in these wedges this week. Despite being almost five inches high, they are so very comfortable! They're from Primark too, and are at least three years old. They're still in great nick though (further proof to my theory that Primark's quality has gone shockingly downhill of late).

Sorry if my post seems rushed this week - I've been feeling somewhat out of sorts lately, and then got knocked sideways by a horrible coldy-fluey bug last weekend which has completely ruined my week! But I'll be back on form soon, I'm sure - and I have lots of blog posts planned for the next few weeks. Have a good weekend everyone - my number one priority is to sleep, sleep, and then sleep some more. And maybe enjoy the sunshine, too.

PS - My first blog is up at Where Are My Knees? - have you read it yet?

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

And I change it all from inside.

Bloggers are a fabulous bunch, they really are.

Katie Antoniou wanted to do something to help and raise some money after the horrific earthquake and tsunami in Japan, so she's organised the following fundraiser:

It's in London on Saturday - if you can make it, please go, and spend what you can. If you can't, then please donate. Even if it's just a fiver, it's going to a good cause.

Monday, 21 March 2011

If there's a lot on your mind it's there to help you forget.

I'm not a hardcore car-booter like many of my esteemed blogging chums, but that's not to say that I'm not a little excited about car boot season starting up again.

There's a car boot near me on every Sunday which I love - it's big, it's not full of loads of knock-off DVDs, and it starts at midday, so no crazy early mornings. I picked up some amazing finds there last year - including some vintage suitcases and an amazing sewing chest which are all displayed proudly in my room - but by far my favourite item was this quirky little cocktail book from the 1970s. It was 10p.

I would love to meet the author of this book. I'm picturing an elderly gentleman who wears a smoking jacket all the time.

Aaaand now I want a cocktail.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Just don't know what to do with myself.

There are some outfits that you like in principle, that you remember fondly, and then when you wear out you can’t fathom why you ever felt that way. All they do is make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. The entire night is spent pulling it up, pulling it down, smoothing out the wrinkles and getting convinced everyone is staring at you. And not in a good way.

On that note… this is one of those outfits. I DO like it in principle. What’s not to like? It’s red. It’s a good, not-too-short/not-too-long length. It’s a flattering cut. It’s, frankly, boobalicious. And yet, when I wore this out last Saturday, I did not feel good. To the extent that I debated including it in my blog at all. But, you know, not all outfits can be favourites. Sometimes you wear something and realise that it's not right for you, after all.

Dress – Warehouse

Shoes – Matalan
Belt – Vivien of Holloway (borrowed)
Necklace – Topshop

Perhaps my issues with the dress were that I’ve gained a little weight recently (hence my new blog project, which I talked about on Monday) and the dress simply didn’t fit like it did last time. I seemed to spend the entire night pulling up the bodice and trying to stop it showing my bra. Borrowing my friend’s magic belt did help a lot (you can see the difference), but even so. No. Not a dress I’ll be wheeling out again for a while.

Anyway. Sorry for the Dress Downer this week, but don’t worry – I’m sure I’ll be back on form next week! It got paid on Tuesday and I have a few new dresses to show off.

On a brighter note, though, the patent Mary-Janes I was wearing are the most comfortable heels I own. Even though you can't really see them, I must extol their virtues. I wish Matalan would sell them again. I need a million pairs. In every colour. Please.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Magic's in the makeup.

I know, I know, it seems like every blogger has done the What's In My Makeup Bag post recently. So, I decided to put a spin on it and do... What's In My Makeup BOX. Totally different.

Although I'm a fan of fairly natural makeup, I do wear it pretty much every day, and really don't feel comfortable going up the shops without at least a slick of eyeliner. Which is awful, really, but on the rare occasions I don't wear makeup (especially eye makeup) I get people asking if I'm feeling okay. You will have to prise my kohl pencil out of my cold dead fingers before I give it up, for realz.

Anyway, I don't really use a makeup bag, preferring to just chuck my essentials in my handbag every day (concealer, eyeliner, powder). I do, however, have this super awesome makeup chest:

Scuse the mess of my shelves. I got this at a craft store a couple of years ago. I love it. It's pretty, a great size, and has loads of compartments. I love that I have an ENTIRE DRAWER for my eyeliners.

I know, I know, you want one now. Well, I googled for you.

Considering all the makeup pictured above, my makeup tends to stay the same most days. In the evening, I don't vary much - bit more eyeliner, maybe add some falsies. I have loads of coloured eyeliners and shadows and I've totally got out the habit of using them. Must get better!

I always start with eyeliner and mascara. Doing it last makes more sense to me, but then my fringe sticks to my eyelashes! It is the weirdest thing. The eyeliner I'm using at the moment is Natural Collection. I like the application because the brush is so skinny, but the staying power isn't ace. Gosh Extreme Art is fantastic (crazy waterproof) but I can't find it any more - I think it's been discontinued.

I was sent a new mascara to try a couple of weeks back, which is No. 7 Exquisite Curl. It's great for non-clumpy lashes, and has done a great job of making them curlier, but ultimately it has made me realise that what I really want from my lashes is to look fuller - I'm not that fussed about them curling. Before, I was using Collection 2000 Magi-Length. It is ace. And cheap.

I always prep with this mattifying balm from Boots, because I have an oily face. It means I'll age well though! I'm switching between two foundations at the moment - Stila, which is very heavy, so great for long days out and nights on the town - and is also running out, sadly - and Bourjois Healthy Mix, which is a lighter coverage. To be truthful, I am still on the hunt for the perfect foundation since Bourjois discontinued the Brush Foundation. I don't like the completely natural look - I need coverage!

Next up, two incredibly battered looking pencils. I use my makeup until it runs out! The concealer is, hands down, the best I've tried. It's by Urban Decay. Buy it - and it lasts AGES.

The kohl is Bourjois - I've been using it for over ten years and have never found anything I like as much. It's waxy, dark and stays on well. It smudges a tad though, because it is SO dense, so I always set it with a little mascara. I used to always think mascara on your lower lashes looked crazy chavvy (think Rose in Doctor Who) but I have mastered the art of doing it subtly.

I am a kohl addict, and always apply it to the inside rim of my eye. I remember hearing you're not meant to, but I do it anyway. This is an attractive photo, isn't it. EYEBALLS.

More Stila! I love their standard powder. I've started stocking up whenever it's on BrandAlley. You can also apply it with a wet sponge and it doubles as a foundation. Awesome.

I don't do much to my lips - if I'm looking especially pale I'll put a bit of Posietint on - the label has well and truly come off and now it looks like nail polish. I also never go anywhere without Carmex - I love the clicktubes but you can't buy them over here! I get my American friends to post them to me. :)

And I figure a couple of people will ask... my nail polish is Barry M!

And there you have it. My face. I hope this wasn't too dull - I'm not a beauty blogger by any means and as soon as I start talking about makeup I realise I don't know much about it!

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