Tuesday, 11 August 2009

We're gonna party like it's your birthday...

So about a week and a half ago, it was my birthday! I am officially old, as has been proved by the fact that I today had to throw away my young person's railcard. Sob. Is that a grey hair?

(No, it totally is. I have a whole bunch, thanks to rotten genetics. I found my first one when I was 19!)

Aaaanyway. My lovely friends and family got me lots of lovely stuff for my birthday.

BIRTHDAY! Don't you just want all that stuff? Blackadder! Arthur Rackham (oh, the drawings, they are so pretty). Earrings! Books! The little camera is my gift to myself, albeit purchased with money given as a birthday present, so I guess it's really more from my parents and my grandmother. It's a good little camera, though - a Samsung ES55, which was kind of a bargain and it comes in PINK. But I got black. Like my soul. It's all cute and little though, and perfect for when I can't lug my Nikon around. And after using my Nikon, I'm not horribly disappointed with the pictures, which is kind of a huge compliment (this is why I can't use my phone camera any more).

(I also got a beautiful book and FotC, but they only came today and I'd already written this post. But I love them!)

Also, as my last post made obvious, I'm a bit obsessed with cupcakes right now. CUPCAKES. Anyway, I discovered that I've made my feelings clear to those who love me.

Um. Yes. The thing is, this was actually my most coveted present and one that I was sooo happy with. It's just a shame that I have three very brilliant thoughtful friends who pay attention to my hinting (I was really only hinting to one of them, too!).

I celebrated my new cookbook with my niece (who also just had a birthday - more on that soon) and made Sugar Cookies! Mmmmm, Sugar Cookies.

Hearts, stars... and dogs. The perils of letting a six year old choose your cookie cutters.

These were SO good, though. They tasted like less sickly shortbread, and I don't like shortbread all that much because it's too sickly, and I could not get enough of these. I had to take them into work in the end so I didn't just sit in my house and eat them all. I can see this cookbook having an adverse affect on my waistline.

Let me know if you want the recipe!

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