Saturday, 9 May 2020


So, it's been a long old time since my last blog post. And there's a pretty good reason for that. A reason that you'll already know if you follow me on social media, which I'm assuming most of you do, but just in case you don't - surprise! I had a baby!

Briony Isla Vernon-Smith joined our family at 5.19pm on 28 January 2020 weighing in at 6lb 9oz, and we're completely obsessed with her. She's ace.

Throughout my pregnancy I wrote a fair bit about the experience with the intention of sharing it here, so now that naptime is a bit more consistent and, like the rest of you, I have absolutely nowhere else to go, over the coming weeks I'll be sharing them here.

I've been wanting to start blogging again for a while - I miss it a lot, and baby stuff is definitely going to be a theme of this blog going forward, but I promise I'll mix it up with some foodie stuff too because like the rest of the world, I'm spending a lot of time baking. Haven't tried sourdough yet, but I want to!

Anyway, for now, HI. Stay tuned, because later this week I'm going to share my labour story. Fun!


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