Way back when, Les Belles de Ricci brought out three perfumes. Liberty Fizz, Almond Armour and Spicy Delight. I must admit that I've never tried two of the three, but Liberty Fizz - the green and pink one - was, and still is, my Favourite Perfume Ever.

It's quite a subtle smell - it doesn't linger like some perfumes. Which I sort of like - you know you're not going to be that person wafting their way through the office, making people choke as they pass. I also sort of don't like it, because it means you need to reapply come lunchtime. But you probably should anyway.

Liberty Fizz is the perfect perfume. Fresh yet sweet, sweet yet not cloying, young yet mature... perfect. And it comes in a pretty bottle.
I have at least three bottles stored away, because the only places you can buy it now are obscure independently owned perfume shops (I know of one in Hemel Hempstead, and one in York) and Ebay. It comes highly recommended, but don't get too attached... you never know when it'll be gone. But I believe it was discontinued 4 or 5 years ago, but it still kicks around - if you want it badly enough, you'll find it.
PS: If you are a perfume expert and know of a scent that smells similar to Liberty Fizz, please let me know. I know eventually I'll have to face up to the reality that it's gone, gone forever. Like everything awesome.
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