Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Books read in January and February

My February resolution is to use this blog more. Rah. Yes I am.
Books read this year so far:

1 – My Booky Wook - Russell Brand

I found this really difficult to read. It actually took most of December and a large part of January. I wanted to finish it, but I suppose I wasn’t that interested in what he had to say, and in a lot of cases, his writing style really grated (e.g. saying ‘them ones’ instead of ‘those ones’, which is how he speaks). Entertaining in places, but really it was just a story of a damaged individual with a hell of a lot of issues and addictions that he’s never going to get over.

2 – Nation – Terry Pratchett

I really loved this book. It was a birthday present for my father, as is our tradition. His birthday is 3 days after Christmas, so he always gets a Pratchett book at some point in December. He reads it, then I do. This book was interesting though as it wasn’t a Discworld, it was completely new. It didn’t read as a very ‘Pratchett’ book, to be honest, but that wasn’t a bad thing. It said interesting things about our culture and civilisation, and it was just nicely done, and poignant, and a little bit beautiful in places.

3 – New Moon – Stephenie Meyer

Okay. I know. It’s Twilight. I am just so curious to read these books, because of all the hype. It was the same with Harry Potter, although those are actually worthy of at least most of the hype. The Twilight books are not brilliantly written. They’re not horrible, at least in terms of form, but the characters are irritating. In this, the second book, she had an irritating habit of mentioning things that had presumably happened between the first and second books. I think – of course it’s possible I didn’t read the first one very closely. Her heroine is hard to root for, being as she is completely defined by who she is in love with and also seems to be irresistible to all men, which never fails to be annoying. Her clumsiness is obviously meant to be endearing, but it’s just stupid. A life threatening papercut? Come ON. (Okay, it then appears to lead to her getting hurt by other means, but still…) I find the relationship with Edward very creepy – he’s a lot, LOT older than her and is incredibly controlling. It hints at emotional blackmail a lot of the time, you know, ‘I’d die if you left me. Would you? SAY YOU WOULD.’ It wouldn’t be as bad if they were both 17, but he’s meant to be a few hundred years old. CREEPY. And yet… I see why the young ‘uns love them. Well, the ones that haven’t seen Buffy, at least. The ones that have – no excuse. Buffy does it so much better. But I will read the rest, because I like to know what something is about before I judge it.

4 – Beedle the Bard – JK Rowling

I didn’t understand the hype for this. Yes, it was nice to read something Potterish again, but it didn’t say a whole lot. But it was a cute little read.

Four books in two months is a bit rubbish. Since I started driving to work instead of getting public transport, I read sooo much less. I have a pile of really good books waiting to be read though, so I should get into it more.

Currently reading:
Watchmen – Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons

Also on my reading pile:
The Dark Volume – G.W.Dahlquist
Confessions of a Shopaholic – Sophie Kinsella
Absolute Sandman 3 and 4 – Neil Gaiman (technically these count as several books)


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