Friday, 2 January 2009

Happy 2009!

I keep trying to define this blog into something, theme it somehow, but really the only thing I do enough to fill a blog is write. About myself. I dabble in baking and art and various creative hobbies and spend a lot of time attempting to self-improve, as is the law for many 26 year old girls who've heard the 'You're closer to thirty than twenty!' mantra for the first time. Thanks, mum.

So I'm going to give up theming this blog and just write about what I know, which is me. And I will still include vaguely useful tips and whatnot, recipes and recommendations and all sorts.

Technically 2009 starts for me tomorrow, on Monday, because if New Years Day falls on a Thursday, you're really not going to start your diet or detox until Monday, are you? Especially if you have a night out on the Saturday which involves criminally cheap cocktails.

Predictably, here are my resolutions for 2009:

1 -
Lose weight. A stone and a half, please.
2 -
Go to the gym. Lots. Or, at all.
3 -
Get a new job. Thanks for the unemployment, looming recession!
4 -
Attempt to be responsible and wonderful and perfect. Pah. Easy.

Next New Year, when I'm skinny and toned and wealthy and employed and responsible and wonderful and perfect I'm going to have to be more creative and spend 2010, like, learning French or becoming a gourmet chef, or something.

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