Friday 13 November 2009

Boom! Psshhhh! Ahhhh...

I went to an awesome fireworks display last week. Yes, I know, we’ve all moved on from Bonfire Night and are thinking about Christmas now, but what’s wrong with living in the past every now and then? Nothing, that’s what. Also, I had a really busy week.

Anyway. Fireworks are awesome. I took my camera with me and snapped away, meaning I watched most of the display through a lens which probably meant I missed loads, but it was still pretty.

I love all the random trippy effects my camera came out with.

It was perfect fireworks weather – cold and clear – and so we wrapped up warm and headed off to the local display (which is renowned for being pretty much amazing). My resourceful friend Sarah even brought along a flask of mulled wine, so we got pleasantly pickled whilst warming up nicely.

What did you get up to?

PS - I'm now on Deviant Art. Add me!


  1. Love the photos! It was perfect bonfire night weather here (in the North East) too, unfortunately I had to stay in with my new baby (I say unfortunately, that sounds so bad... I don't mean that, it's just I LOVE bonfire night lol) so I just watched out of our bedroom window x

  2. Aw, but next year you can wrap Elodie up and take her to the fireworks with you! (She's sooo beautiful, by the way.)


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