Wednesday, 18 November 2009

The Capital City!

I had rather a pleasant day on Saturday, pottering around London. I’m only about a 20 minute train ride from London, which is a pretty sweet deal, especially considering that where I live is super pretty and full of trees. My house is a three minute walk from sheep. Sheep! They’re not even MY sheep!

So, while London is not a novelty, I rarely get a chance to go in for a wander. I’m normally going in for nights out or parties or interviews or various things like that. And, although this was for a night out yet again, we decided to go in at lunchtime.

The main reason for going in early was to visit the
Polaroid exhibition at the Atlas Gallery, which I’ve posted about before. If you’re desperate to go... prepare to be disappointed. It’s small. It’s also the kind of gallery where you feel more than a little self-conscious about going in dressed in head-to-toe Primark. There are two rooms of photos – about 50 in total, but it seemed like less. And they were all very nice, but I’d already seen the best ones in the press, and it all felt very targeted at people who had come to buy. And I wasn’t about to spend £6-10k on a Polaroid... even if it was taken by Andy Warhol.

So, after the five minutes we spent in there before the awkwardness became too overwhelming, we had about three hours to kill... which we hadn’t anticipated. So, potter! Of course we went to Topshop first, which wasn’t as scary on a Saturday afternoon in November as I expected. We were actually hunting for
this necklace for Sha, but no luck. Then we had lunch at Leon, which was taaaasty.

Then we headed off down Carnaby Street, which was all pretty and Christmassy and 60s and amazing. I remember a couple of years ago, leaving a work meeting in Soho and accidentally ending up on Carnaby Street. I was
confused. Unexpected cobbles will do that to you.

We also popped into Liberty’s (I love Liberty’s) to check out their Christmas shop, but we didn’t go up to Luella’s Grotto in the end. Shame, I bet it was incredible. Next time! (Sidenote: How sad is it that Luella is closing? Especially since even at the knockdown Closing Sale prices, I still can’t afford any of the dresses?)

After a suitably Christmassy drink in Starbucks (red cups yayyy) it was time to head off to Twickenham to meet our buddies and be scared by rugby people. Why is it singing in pubs always seems more terrifying than welcoming?

PS - Apologies for lower-quality photos than usual, I had mini-camera with me instead of big impressive one.


  1. The pictures are still lovely! I love the one of the balloon! :) ♥
    P.s. Theres a competition on my blog, feel free to enter! x

  2. Acoustics of a large number of people in a small space?

    I really need to do another week in London next summer, and visit all the places I couldn't get around to last time.

  3. Your blog is great! I'm definitely going to start following. I'd love to enter your competition - your dresses are stunning - but sadly I'm not an 8/10. :(

    (Mike, I think it's more about it being the warcry of drunken louts. Equals potential violence, or something.)


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