Friday, 6 August 2010

I aten't dead.

I just wanted to drop by and let you all know I'm still here! I'm still without Internet, but it's looking hopeful that we might get it installed next week. And then normal service will be resumed! Yay! I'm so looking forward to catching up on all your blogs.

To fill the gap between posts, here are some pics I took recently on my iPhone...

I turned 28!

I know, right, 28. God. Best card ever, though. Look at his crazy eyes!

I got new hair!

I really really missed my fringe.

I found a use for one of my 1950s suitcases...

Seriously, why doesn't the luggage of today have pretty ribbons instead of horrible elastic straps?

I found my favourite toy from when I was a kid, Rude Rabbit.

Don't ask about the name. Just. Don't. Ask.

I got a Diana Mini...

...which I still haven't used. But I will!

...and I managed to pretty much unpack! Booooookshelves.

I really love bookshelves.

Back with a real post soon! xxx

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone... and then edited as soon as I could get to a computer because I am obsessive compulsive and the poor picture quality and mismatched font drove me crazy.



  1. I had no idea you were 28! Me too! x

  2. Cute pictures, love the Pratchett reference in the title (:

  3. You tuned 28?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    You look great on your new hair

  4. Happy Happy Birthday! I hope you had a lovely day!

    I'm jealous of your tres chic suitcase of berets...I have about four berets and I look a moose in all of them haha

    Sarah x

  5. Happy Birthday!:D You don't look 28, you look so much younger!:D
    Beauty. Fashion. Interior Design.
    & Life According to Marie.

  6. Happy Birthday to you! Love your hair - really suits you. x

  7. happy belated birthday!
    you'll love the diana, i got one for my bday last year, i get a bit lazy sometimes though, digital photography is so instant, i forget to bother with my poor old diana.
    i love your blog header by the way x

  8. adorable post!!! update soon!!!


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