Sunday, 3 May 2015

Red pepper, cheese and bacon frittata

I think I've mentioned already that we've been freaking epic lately at using up the ingredients we have on hand. I've generally been pretty good at that, but after a year of dividing my time between my parents' house and Matt's flat, it's so great to have total control of what's in my kitchen and know exactly what's in there. Our fridge is usually pretty empty which sounds lame, but it's my ideal situation - it means that there's no waste of fresh ingredients and we're working our way through the cupboards and the freezer. We buy what we need, and we use what we need. Perfect.

When I got my camera out to take photos of this frittata, Matt was like 'Seriously? Everyone knows how to make this!' but I'm not sure. I'd never made a frittata until last year, and it's something I just wouldn't have thought about as a leftovers meal. And I know a lot of you are still feeling your way with this whole cooking thing, so I'm all for sharing the simple, tasty recipes. Anyway. It's basically an omelette, designed for those that suck at omelettes (like me!) as there's no flipping - you just finish it under the grill. You really just need eggs and veg, and maybe some cheese, and you're sorted. So this is based on what we had, but feel free to change up the meat (or remove it completely), use different veg and mix up the cheese. It's mostly about the eggs.

Red pepper, cheese and bacon frittata
1 red pepper
1 red chilli, deseeded
3-4 eggs
5 bacon medallions
50g grated cheddar
Bunch of coriander, chopped

Serves 2 / 4 Weight Watchers SmartPoints per serving

1. Preheat your oven or grill. Heat up a skillet or oven safe frying pan, add a little oil and then throw in your meat until it's cooked
2. Chuck in your garlic, chopped chilli and vegetables and let them cook with the bacon until softened
3. While that's cooking, crack your eggs into a jug and whisk up. I always add lots of black pepper too.
4. Give the contents of the pan a poke to make sure it's evenly distributed and then carefully pour your egg mixture over the vegetables

5. Cover with grated cheese, then remove from the heat and pop into your oven and cook for 10 minutes. We don't have a grill on our oven so we just did it for 10 minutes.

6. Get it out and chop into quarters, and serve. It should come out pretty easily - if it doesn't, it might not be quite cooked yet (if you put as much cheese on as I do, it can be hard to tell...)

7. Serve with a big salad and potatoes if you fancy - we had a fancy butternut squash and kale mix from Tesco that was awesome.



  1. That looks so yummy! I only recently also got on the frittata bandwagon - we tend to use chorizo, potatoes, tomatoes and a bit of parsley :)

    Martha -

  2. Love the look of this! My other half refuses to eat eggs but I reckon I could convince him with a lot of cheese and some form of meat added.... xx


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