Monday, 8 June 2015

A bouquet of sunflowers

In a lot of ways, I feel like this is the first time I've had my own place. It's not actually true - I've lived with housemates a couple of times before, and with my sister - but every time I've had to be conscious of other people, and unable to make the living space as 'me' as I would like to. I'm still getting there in that respect, as I can't paint any of the walls and as we're intending to buy somewhere next year it doesn't seem worth investing lots of money in furniture that might not work in our new place, but I've been loving having a bit more freedom to discover more about my tastes and buying habits.

Obviously I'm not going to bore you with my washing up liquid of choice but I am going to talk about flowers. I've been given flowers before, but I've rarely bought them because I never really had anywhere to put them to enjoy them. In most of my house-shares my bedroom has been too small to put them out, and if I left them on the kitchen table or something then I'd barely ever get to see them. So it's no surprise that I'm obsessed with buying flowers now. Not having a vase of fresh flowers out in the flat makes me really sad, and finding discount flowers on my wanderings makes me insanely happy. Fortunately I have really cheap tastes - posh flowers like lilies give me hayfever, and I prefer a splash of colour, anyway. During daffodil season, I had a serious addiction to those £1 bunches, but now I can't get them any more I've moved onto bunches of rainbow tulips instead. They're so colourful! Cheap flowers for the win, basically.

I think, actually, I have a child's taste in flowers. I like primary colours and simplicity. So when Blossoming Gifts asked me to pick a bunch of flowers from their website to review, I chose sunflowers without a second thought. LOOK HOW HAPPY THEY ARE.

The prices at Blossoming Gifts are really reasonable, as a lot of flower delivery services can be on the pricey side. They came well packaged and have lasted really well, too. And they look amazing out in my living room, right in the middle where I can enjoy them every day.

Next time you're ordering online flowers, give them a go - there are lots of bouquets under £20, and as an added incentive I have a discount code for 33% off your next order which is BGIFT33. It just excludes this range and the hampers and wines. You can use it multiple times though so why not send someone a nice surprise in the post today?



  1. These flowers are so beautiful! When I move out of halls and into my new flat in the summer, I think I might start buying some flowers as they really brighten up a room, I think. :)

  2. Sunflowers are so cheerful. I've tried to grow them in the past couple of years but haven't had much luck.

  3. I am obsessed with buying flowers. Usually do two bunches every fortnight. Love scented stocks and wild flowers, but a sucker for sunflowers.


    Hair Advice & All Things Nice

  4. I love sunflowers, they are just so cheery!

    Maria xxx


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