Thursday, 19 October 2017

LIFESTYLE: It's the most cosiest time of the year...

I feel like I never felt that strongly about October until blogging and Instagram happened. Now my feeds are inundated with people insisting it's the best time of the year, and I have to admit - it's infectious.

I always claim to be a hot weather person, which makes sense as I am pretty much always freezing ('Feel my hands!' is basically my catchphrase), but I actually think I'm far more in my element during the autumn. Sartorially, it's ace - all opaque tights and short skirts, my faves - but it's also pretty amazing food and interiors wise, too. Stews! Candles! Roaring fires! King size coverlets! COSINESS! And all with the hopefulness of Christmas on the horizon, too. Why fight it, guys? October's the best.

In between cooking all the stews (just rediscovered this one and daaamn) and buying all the jumpers, I'm in a bit of an autumn home makeover phase right now. Our bedroom is desperate for some love - it needs re-plastering, re-painting (or wallpapering) and I really want some new duvet covers and bed throws to turn our bed into the cosiest place in the world.

I'm also working hard on the downstairs too. Our living room has seen major progress this year (I really need to post some Before and After photos soon) and is ticking most of my cosiness boxes with piles of throws, stacks of candles (I'm loving Neom candles right now) and, well, all of the Netflix, but there's still more I want to do.

I really want to paint our fireplace before the year is out - it's beige marble with embossed daisies and a gold fireplace with fake coal. *throws up in mouth* I'd love to rip it out and replace it, but it's not going to happen while we're in wedding savings mode, so instead I want to paint it all white/cream, except the gold detail which I'm going to paint black. And swap the hideous fake coal for big chunky church candles. There's not much I can do about the embossed daisies *eyes sandpaper* but it's a start, right?

In other news, is anyone else cold? FEEL MY HANDS.



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