Thursday, 8 October 2009

The Others.

So I can't post photos, or blog much at all really for a while because my computer is officially dead. I would bury it in the back garden, except I've left it at the computer shop so they can use it for parts. My laptop is an organ donor, guys. That's impressive.

Anyway, they're toiling to build me a new computer with a hard drive that's not full of dust and likely to explode at any minute. Okay, so it didn't explode, it just went, 'No. Sorry. I am not loading any more. No Glasto tickets for you. Ha.' You know what, computer, I'm glad you're dead. That's right, I went there.

So whilst I am photoshop-less, I am going to embrace the keyboard instead and write a little list of my favourite other-bloggers.

Other-bloggers are not scary like the Other Mother (oh hai, Coraline, you would be an awesome Halloween costume), they are more like Other-Sarahs, which is what I call all Sarahs who are not me, apart from my favourite Other-Sarah, who is Sarah N, even though she's married now and her surname doesn't begin with N. But anyway.

Other! Bloggers!

Carrie's blog is lovely to read and often a little inspiring. She takes lovely pictures, has a gorgeously quirky fashion sense and posts really good links to shops, websites and places to visit. She also has a life that I'm somewhat jealous of, partly because she's 9 years younger than me and is way cooler than I was at that age. Plus, she gets photography passes to places like Glastonbury and London Fashion Week, and has just started fashion college. Oh, and she's really cute. Her blog is always a pleasant read, a nice insight into her life whilst sharing things she thinks you might find interesting - I love it all her recommendations, as they tend to be tiny shops and vintage clothing places that I would never find otherwise.

Forever Young Adult
I remember lurking in the teenage department of the library when I was about 15, waiting for my dad to get his arse out of the maritime section and reading some Point Romance book or other. And some random guy who did not work there asked how old I was, thinking I was too old to be there, apparently. Whatevs, random dude who I recall as being somewhat creepy, because Young Adult books are freaking awesome. Remember Forever by Judy Blume? Okay, so I was about 8 when I read that and didn't understand any of it, but it's still amazing. This blog is by a group of contributors from Texas (at least mostly) who review Young Adult books. It's not all crappy uber cheese, either. Erin, the best blogger of all in all the world* recently reviewed The Book Thief, which if you haven't read, you must. It's such a good book, if a tiny bit sad. Okay, very sad. Okay, gut wrenchingly upsetting. But incredible! Anyway, FYA is well-written, amusing and regularly updated, which are three things that blogs should aim to be.

*This comment might be slightly biased as I might know Erin and she might be one of my favourite people. Might. She also has a regular blog!

I first came across Helen on one of my favourite LJ communities, thehighstreet. I'm pretty sure she's single-handedly responsible for my current obsession with red accessories. She puts outfits together really well, takes beautiful photos and makes cakes that I really, really want to eat. Her blog is, well, not dissimilar to this one in terms of content - sort of fashiony, sort of photo-y, sort of general-nice-things-y. But all those things are good things! Especially when you do them well. And she does. Her blog is cute and fun, and well worth a visit.

Danny isn't here, Mrs Torrance
Mere's blog is mostly about horror movies. I have this love/hate relationship with horror films. I love the structure of them, and critiquing them, but I'm also a huge wuss, and hate being scared. I've come to realise that I can do gore, but creepiness... well, it creeps me out! Luckily for me, a lot of the focus of Danny isn't here (a quote from The Shining, btw) is on the more schlocky side of horror, like the human centipede. Yep, someone thought that up. Plus upcoming things in the world of horror and movies, and occasionally TV, too. She mentions Supernatural quite a bit, and as she tends to post photos when she mentions it, I thoroughly approve. Those boys are pretty. Also, Mere just got married. Congratulations, Mere!

Right, I have to surrender the computer back to my father, so I guess I'll go read a book or play with sticks or something. I miss my laptop!


  1. Finally having time to go back into the archives of my fave blogs that updated while I was in Costa Rica, only in time to realize that I made it to your blog! Squee!

  2. Of course you did!

    Lily quoted your blog title (well, the Shining) on How I Met Your Mother this week, I thought of you!


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