Monday, 1 March 2010

Currently Coveting: Parisian pastels. Ohhh.

The last thing I did before going to sleep last night was to flick through the latest ASOS magazine. I cooed over this spread, excitedly noting that I get to go to Laduree next month and experience gorgeous macarons in the flesh.

And then I fell asleep, and dreamed of that beautiful pale blueish nail polish in the picture.

I only have one Essie polish, and it chips like crazy, but god, I need Lilacism in my life. I am seriously coveting their whole Spring collection, in fact.

I have neither the skin tone or figure to let pastels feature in my everyday wardrobe, but on my nails, I can't get enough of them. So. Lush.



  1. The 1st picture made me hungry! Haha!

    Loving the pastel polishes too. :D

    Check out my blog!
    ...and everything girly under the sun!

  2. Ah lovely! Pastelly fingernails make me think of springtime instantly, just a shame that nail varnish and me means chips after an hour and paint on everything but my nails.

  3. Mmm pastels remind me of paint-water and all chalky and lovely! I want some lilac nailvarnish too :) x

  4. I really wasn't exaggerating in that post - I genuinely had a dream that I bought that nail polish! How lame am I...

    (I feel your pain, Hayles, I have the most chippable nails in the world!)

  5. ahhh i really need to get back to london and go to laduree. i can't wear pastels either really, unless they're on a pattern or small. i like admiring them though


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