Sunday, 28 March 2010

Paris in pictures.

Bonjour! Je voudrais un pain au chocolat. Ou est la piscine? Ooh la la!

I am back from Paris, and as you can see from the paragraph above, my knowledge of the beautiful French language remains extremely slim. I do voudrais un pain au chocolat, though. Like, always.

I had such a lovely time. We had a great, conveniently located apartment (see above), and armed with two lovely ladies, an array of floral dresses, some very comfy boots and my trusty Nikon D40, I managed to take in a hell of a lot in three and a half days, as the whopping 1700 photos I came back with can attest to! I'll be posting my highlights over the next couple of weeks, which I hope doesn't get terribly boring. It really is a beautiful city, and there was so much to photograph, I couldn't control myself.

My favourite part of the trip, apart from the company, the amazing food and all the gorgeous sights was probably the sheer Frenchness of it all. I saw many Parisians wearing stripy t-shirts, berets, and yes - even wandering down the street eating baguettes. Sadly, though, none of them were wearing garlands of onions or garlic around their necks. Disappointing!



  1. Wow, it looks amazing. I NEED to go to Paris more than ever now. Your photogaphy is beautiful too x

  2. omg... so beautiful! I really hope I get to visit Paris at least once in my life. I have to. Such a romantic and beautiful looking place.

  3. lovely lovely! What great photos! I'm glad you had a great time :D

  4. Welcome back! Glad you had fun. Those snaps bring back beautiful memories..oh la la!

  5. amazing! your photographs are so lovely. x

  6. What glorious photos! Can't wait to see the rest of them.

  7. So basically you've made me want to book a flight to Paris this very minute - gorgeous!! :)

  8. 1700 photos - that's crazy!

    Beautiful pics though, looking forward to seeing more of them :)

    Glad you had such a good time.

  9. How could looking at beautiful photos of Paris ever get boring? :)

  10. How could looking at beautiful photos of Paris ever get boring? :)

  11. Gorgeous pictures :) glad you had a lovely time! Where did you stay in paris? me and the mister are looking for accomodation there for a few days in august, thats where we end our europe trip! xx

  12. Thanks for all the lovely comments! Rogue, I stayed just off Rue de Lafayette, I've added a link into the post. There were three of us though but you may find some other options on that holiday rentals site! x

  13. Oh wow! By the looks of it, you had an amazing time. Definitely an unforgettable trip, I'm sure. :)

  14. Your photos are breathtaking! I insist you make some sort of spectacularly creative album tout de suite!

  15. Did you take all these photos? Too gorgeous for words!! Ahh I miss the city, the vibe and my friends there :((

  16. I love a French cliche. Great pics! xx

  17. lovely pictures, lovely colours. LOVELY PARIS!

    A big follow for you!
    Hope you follow back :) have a nice day

    keep on blogging!

    With love


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