Friday, 10 June 2011

But I won’t follow you into the rabbit hole.

I wore this beautiful dress on our last full day in Tuscany. Isn’t it lovely? I spied it in a sale rail in Warehouse a year or so ago – those vibrant colours stood out a mile - and started stalking it in my size. Eventually I snapped it up for £15 (I cannot go on enough about how much I adore Warehouse’s sales) and then it languished in my wardrobe for a good year, waiting for just the right debut moment, before I wore it to the first time at my friend Marika’s baby shower and realised how much I loved it.

One of the reasons I didn’t wear it before is that it’s really rather low-cut. I keep finding this issue with dresses from Warehouse, and I think it’s because they make their straps a little long for me. I love the simplicity of it by itself, but every other time I’ve worn it, I’ve added a black vest underneath, which goes really well, because of the black in the pattern, and the black underskirt.I ended up adding it for the last lot of photos because I was getting tired of pulling the dress up! Conclusion: my shoulders are awkward.

Dress – Warehouse
Necklace – Primark
Headpiece – Crown & Glory

I feel like a fairy in these photos – barefoot with flowers in my hair. As I mentioned yesterday, my daisy chain headpiece is from Crown & Glory and I love, love, LOVE it. There are so many different ways you can wear it, and it’s really easy to play with:


I think my favourite is wound into Heidi braids, which was so simple to do – I just clipped it up from the two pigtail plaits. I’m going to be living in this at Glastonbury, even if it rains. All summer, in fact.

Oh, by the way - the gorgeous setting for this little shoot was Le Centinelle, in the stunning Tuscan countryside. My lovely friends Sha and Russ acted as my photographer – even though it was so quiet there, I felt a little silly setting up my tripod and remote where other people could see me! I’ll be sharing more from this stunning farmhouse soon as it really was the most beautiful place I’ve ever stayed. Those views!

Don’t forget, you can get 15% off at Crown & Glory using the discount code SBV15 until 30th June!

The sun was in my eyes!


  1. That dress is absolutely gorgeous, once again, you've chosen a dress that suits you and compliments your figure perfectly.
    And those photographs, Tuscany looks utterly beautiful.
    Sirens and Bells xx

  2. That's such a nice dress! I love the look of the daisies in the heidi braids. You make it sound so simple to do, I'll have to try it!

  3. you look amazing; and we are head band twins. win win.

  4. Oh my word, how stunning are these photos? Location, dress, headband, you - all utterly beautiful.

    Warehouse sales ROCK! I'm totally with you on the boob revealing thing though. The yellow floral dress I blogged the other day is from there and it's exactly the same, only it doesn't look good with a vest underneath. I may have to put some broderie anglaise trim on it or something.

  5. I love the dress and the headband! The headband is slowly moving to the top of my "things I want and around 2am can probably convince myself that I need" list.

    On the boob revealing thing — I have that problem all the time, and if it is just the straps it is a super easy fix. I just take it apart at the strap seam, remove however much I need to remove, and re-stitch it. It works beautifully, and is super easy to do (Trust me, I can't sew to save my life.)

  6. You look lovely bb & that dress is a beaut! So jelly of the setting, I need a holiday.

  7. Very pretty! Love your dress and your hair is cute too! x

  8. all of these photographs are ever so beautiful, you look gorgeous! your hair is looking more beautiful than usual too, plus i adore the pattern and colours of your dress.


  9. These are amazing photos! And i love what you did with your hair. I might have to steal your idea.


  10. embrace the boobies you hottie! Apologies for being mildly inappropriate but...yeah. boobs.

  11. Aah Sarah it looks like such a beautiful place! I've always wanted to visit Tuscany :)
    Loving the daisy braid - I'm desperate to get a flower garland for glasto too! x

  12. Tuscany looks as beautiful as I thought it would, and you look amazing as well. The dress is absolutely gorgeous and so fairytale like, especially with the headpiece.

  13. I love the hairband braided into your hair, looks lovely!

  14. Gorgeous setting, gorgeous dress, gorgeous you :) Absolutely lovely!

    Maria xxx

  15. So many pretty pictures! You look gorgeous! :)

  16. that hairband and dress are gorgeous! you look lovely here. and that last photo proper made me chuckle! elle x

  17. what a beautiful place! my favourite is the heidi braids too. i haven't tried braids since i had my hair cut off..i need to try them again! you look gorgeous.

  18. all of these pictures give me picture envy, the tuscan setting, that GORGEOUS italian house, your dress, the braid, how epic your red hair looks in the sunlight. ahh sarah, loved this post. wish i had an awesome dress collection like you xx

  19. Gorgeous photos! Tuscany looks beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos from your hols. The dress is gorgeous too, can't beat sales bargains. Oasis always have really good sales! Loads of £60 dresses reduced to £15. How a sale SHOULD be, not just 25% off haha.

  20. Gosh, what a gorgeous setting! Loving the print of the dress and the Heidi braids - perfect for Glasto! Xx

  21. I feel your pain on the cleavage front. I seem to have a magic ability to make nice dresses look indecent. I find it handy to remember though, that when you look down at a dress, you are looking straight down your cleavage which makes it look far, far worse than it does to someone who is not you.

  22. That dress is such a gorgeous print. And I love that headband - especially in the Heidi plaits! You're just the prettiest girl in the whole wide world x


  23. Such stunning photos hun! And you look simply lovely in them all :) Adore the dress, the print is so pretty! Wow, your hair loks fab, I love all the different ways you've used the headpiece! Do you think you could possibly do a tutorial on the different styles? as I'm so useless!!

    Love Aysh xoxo

  24. Oh my gosh, I ADORE THIS! I missed it on my dashboard, but just saw it on your blog now! How gorgeous do you look. The dress is stunning, suits you so so well. and the daisy head band is lovely


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