Friday, 10 February 2012

You're trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me.


And I bloody well hate it.

So the weekend, right? Amazing. I went to two great birthday celebrations on Saturday night, the second of which was Amy's birthday party where I shouted myself hoarse at karaoke (I don't SING at karaoke, for goodness sake) and had Fiona-cuddles then I got out the pub and THERE WAS SNOW. And it was lovely! I had a hat, a snood, two pairs of tights and sensible boots, I was equipped. And SMUG. I got to my station - the trains were running fine, with just enough time for me to get a Starbucks. "What's everyone moaning about?" I muttered, checking Twitter. "It's just a bit of SNOW."

And then I tried to get a cab. Um. And then I tried to get another cab. And then I tried that two more times. And then I called Sha and begged to stay on her sofa. Scientific proof that smugness causes PROBLEMS. It was fine, though - I am just flipping grateful I have nice friends within walking distance of the station who don't mind lending me a pair of polka dot pyjamas at 2am.

I got home in the end, and ended up sleeping til midday. Sunday = LOST. Right? Wrong! I did two loads of washing! I made brownies! I finished THREE Powerpoint presentations for work! And even BRUSHED MY HAIR.

So, in honour of that and STILL haven't daylight left, I took some photos. Of me! Wearing a dress! It's kind of a boring dress. It's kind of like the dress I featured last week. But this time - THIS TIME - I did layering. This little blouse has, lately, become my go-to item to make high-necked dresses more interesting. In fact, the other day, I wore it with a red sleeveless dress, and then was fearful that I looked like a little girl in a pinafore on her first day of nursery. Apparently I didn't. Damn.

Dress - Closet at A|Wear
Belt c/o Matalan
Blouse - Matalan
Hat & Boots - New Look
Tights - Pretty Polly

It actually wasn't THAT cold. I mean, LAYERING. And for some of the photos, I wore this big ugly cardigan which I love because it's SO warm although ultimately too ugly to let it be featured in an outfit post but when I took it off, it was okay!

Maybe the hat was magical.



  1. I can't even read this whole post because I'm singing the whole of Complicated in my head. Damn you.

  2. lol at the above comment, Iv been affected the same way! Love your hat by the way, I need to get me one of thoes. Check out my fashion , I have few hats in there too

  3. Lalalala, joins in singing.

    I like you in a hat. Wear more hats.
    Also, I like the snow.

  4. Someone looks good in a hat! Love it!

  5. Wow, so much snow! There is none where I live which is probably better for getting on with life but everywhere looks far less pretty. I love your hat and dress here. x

  6. Currently in a timewarp singing Avril Lavigne songs in my head. You look lovely in that hat, I've wanted a floppy hat for ages but just can't pull off the look without looking ridic haha, SO JEL.

  7. U should be glad that u don't live here then;) I like your hair!

  8. I hate snow as well.. I love the actually 'snowing' part but hate the aftermath... fell three times this week ... ouch!! love the outfit :)

  9. I hate snow as well, luckily we haven't had any up here. However it does make for pretty outfit photos like this!

  10. I HATE snow, it just makes my life so inconvenient but I do live in a village in the middle of nowhere... You look fab though, I wish my hair was long enough to plait!

    Maria xxx

  11. I love the snow but I hate it when it turns into slush, I tend to fall down a lot then! you look amazing in your outfit, I love your dress!! XX

  12. What an amazing hat! I love the colour of your hair too!


  13. Helloooo! Did you see I've emailed re my stuff AND sent the PP transfer. Get me. All organised and that.

    Drop me a note when you can - want to make sure it's all OK.

    Have a great weekend.

    Nicki xx


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