Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Tick tock.

So, remember how it was my birthday a billion years ago? Well, my lovely siblings promised to buy me a watch for my birthday, and even gave me the money for it. But... I am fussy. Mega fussy. And my life is consumed with looking at watches, and I still can't find one that is PERFECT. But I will. Oh, I will.

Anyway, in my perusal of the internets, I found Fashion World, and they sell a whole ton of stuff including some really lovely ladies plus size clothing and accessories... and that means WATCHES! What do we think, gang? Shall I choose one of these?

one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten

Written in collaboration with Fashion World.


  1. i like number 2 and number 4. Number 2 looks v classy and would look very chic with any outfit and number 4 is good for any occasion and would go with anything you wear due to the 2 tone colour.

  2. I love the filigree one and the bird one <3

  3. Number 4 is indeed very good for any occasion. All these watches in fact look very classy (except for no. 6 which is a bit more frivolous). If you're interested in buying one, shopping online is always good to find a lot of options to choose from. And it's also nice to shop around at different stores. Apart from the shop that sells the watches above, you could have a look at this selection of ladies watches or perhaps just google your favourite brand.


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