Thursday, 1 November 2012

Fly away from here...

I thought it was about time I showed you some of my Italy photos, don't you think? It feels like such a long time ago now - the idea of going outside in flipflops at the moment is horrifying, isn't it? We visited Lucca, which is a walled town in Tuscany, and stayed in a pretty villa about 20 minutes away from the centre (a walk I really don't recommend - no pavements) and it was just... wonderful. A week of great weather, AMAZING food and just general happiness.

Lucca's just beautiful - lots of cool towers, stunning churches and beautiful architecture. We spent one day wandering around an antiques market, which left me cursing that pesky EasyJet luggage allowance. So many awesome things! I didn't buy anything, but I wanted everything. I'm sure I could find a use for a knight's helmet. It would go with EVERYTHING.

As is traditional when I go away, I took a ton of photos, so there'll be more coming soon! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to looking longingly at flights online.


  1. Ooh I've been there! It's such a gorgeous city - your photos bring back memories of a really hot and sunny day eating gelato and watching pigeons chase pieces of bread!

  2. Lovely photos! I went to Luca in February so it looked pretty different in the cold but I'd definitely love to go back one summer. x

  3. Looks beautiful, I've just come back from a week in Rome, I love Italy :)

  4. Looks so beautiful. I love Italy.

  5. Absolutely stunning!
    Great photos, can't wait to see more. :)


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