Monday, 10 November 2014

Yellow Duffle Coat

I don’t think I’ll ever grow out of wanting to dress like a child. The two duffle coats I bought last year are well and truly integrated into my wardrobe, and so when La Redoute offered me an item to review, I spotted this yellow version on their website and snapped it up.

I love yellow. It was my favourite colour when I was little, although I suspect part of that was me being contrary and didn’t want to say pink or purple like the rest of the girls in my class. It’s such a fun colour though, associated with sunshine and flowers and happiness, that I think it’s a pretty good favourite. And I certainly stand out in this coat!

The only issue that I have with yellow is that even though I’m drawn to it… it doesn’t suit me at all. Picking up this coat was a hopeful wish that maybe things have changed, and yellow is now my colour, but I’m not convinced. I love, love, LOVE it on other people, but I don’t think it does much for my colouring. I also think the style of this coat would suit someone more willowy than I – it’s a little long, and I long for a more fitted waist. It’s a shame, as it’s a lovely coat – comfortable and beautifully made. It’s just someone else’s dream coat, not mine.

I wore this for a day out with my trusty Betty London ankle boots and even more trusty H&M cat dress. I need to buy more new clothes - everything I own lately is described as 'trusty'.

Coat c/o La Redoute
Ankle Boots c/o Betty London via Spartoo


  1. This coat is so lovely. Definitely agree with you about dressing like a child... I have two duffle coats and imitation clarks kids shoes. I love it. x

  2. I Actually think yellow suits you very well, especially with your hair!!
    I agree with the fit though doesn't seem quite right! But the colour is amazing! :)

  3. I actually love this shade of yellow with your hair but it is a tricky colour to wear! I definitely dress like an oversized child, I wouldn't want it any other way!

    Maria xxx

  4. I agree with the fellow bloggers above. The colour suits your hair well. Lovely duffle coat- can't get enough of them. I am sure there is going to a boom and everyone will want them once the Paddington movie comes out! I definitely do!

  5. Oh I bloody love it. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to dress like a child. Which is choice coming from me, the girl who makes dresses made from dinosaur print fabric.


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