Thursday, 31 December 2015

New Year's Cocktail Recipe: Baileys Flat White Martini

Baileys Flat White Martini Recipe for New Year's Eve

Just what is it about Baileys that seems so Christmassy? Is it simply the fact that drinking what is ostensibly alcoholic cream just isn't acceptable the rest of the year? I'm not sure. I do know that I don't tend to choose creamy cocktails when I'm out and about, but as soon as December hits, I am all about that boozy creamy deliciousness. I must confess my favourite creamy cocktail is the classic combo of Baileys and ice... okay, that doesn't strictly count as a cocktail, but why mess with a classic?

This is an excellent NYE cocktail, though. The espresso means that it's the perfect pre-drink to give you energy for the evening ahead, and a damn sight more tasty than a Red Bull concoction. Shudder. And even if you're not a coffee fan - like me - the creaminess of the drink means it's not overpowering. I'm currently sipping mine down before I go and get ready - expect some creative makeup experiments from me tonight.

Also, can I keep my tree up all year round? I'm in love with that bokeh background.

Baileys Flat White Martini Recipe for New Year's Eve

Baileys Flat White Martini
25ml espresso
25ml vodka
50ml Baileys
Coffee beans for topping

1. Add all the above ingredients to a cocktail shaker filled with ice, and shake until chilled.
2. Strain into a martini glass, and serve sprinkled with a few coffee beans.
3. Wonder how the professionals get the coffee beans to stay in the middle of the glass, because it sure isn't happening for you.

Baileys Flat White Martini Recipe for New Year's Eve

Whether you're out on the town, staying in with friends or having some quality PJ time tonight, have a great New Year's Eve and a wonderful 2016!

PS - If you're a Baileys fan, don't miss out on my last post - the Baileys and Salted Caramel Chocolate Trifle that dreams are made of.
PPS - Baileys kindly sent me the ingredients for this post.

Baileys Flat White Martini Recipe for New Year's Eve


  1. This cocktail looks great! I'm such a sucker for an Espresso Martini normally so these are right up my street. I think the coffee bean thing could maybe to do with the fact that there isn't very much froth (which is what the beans will normally sit on) which may be due to the fact that the ice has melted too much into the cocktail when shaking and made it quite watery? Maybe try shaking it harder but for less time to stop the ice melting and you might get a better crema on top to balance the beans :) I'm not sure though as this is coming from a very very junior bartender haha - give it a go though! Happy New Year! x

    Laura |


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