Saturday, 17 July 2010

Enter this deserted house... but please walk softly as you do.

I'm away visiting friends this weekend, but while I'm off gallivanting round the country, I thought I'd share with you the photos I took last time I was up the Derbyshire way.

My friend Ali and I visited Haddon Hall. It was a scorching day, so we did the gardens slowly but surely, jumping from shade to shade (I've got sunburnt about five times this year already. Curse my paleness). And taking many, many photos.

A novel way to stop people sitting on the chairs, hee.

I was also excited to learn that one of the previous families to occupy Haddon Hall was the Vernon family, who came over with William the Conqueror. Vernon being my surname, and my uncle's geneology experiments showing that WE came over with William the Conqueror (according to my sister, this is why we both enjoy winning so much. I win!) sooo... yeah, this is my house. I want it back, okay.

That's reasonable, right?

In other news...

I think I'm going to struggle to blog regularly over the next few weeks - work is at its busiest in the summer, and we don't have internet at the new house yet. So, would anyone fancy writing some guest-posts?

So many of you are genius bloggers and I'd love for you to add your stamp to my blog - if you're interested, email me or leave a comment with your post ideas and I'll get back to you!

Hopefully regular service will be resumed soon! I miss you guys. :(



  1. I'll fight you for it! Haddon Hall is one of my favourite places in all the world. I got super over excited when I found some 40s black & white postcards of it in an antiques shop last month.

    If only the pics I take of it when I visit would turn out as well as yours!

  2. those photographs are gorgeous, sarah! looks like such a lovely place to see.
    i love the little thistle on the piano stool, hehe.

    i'd offer to guest blog, but i'm definitely sure i could never think of something interesting enough in comparison to what you write, nor take pictures to nearly the same standard! but i hope you get interwebs at your house soon enough! :) x

  3. I'll do a post for you! Would probably be either about Manchester and its beautiful buildings, or Tatty Devine (as I have a lot of it)... Let me know and I'll knock something up x

  4. Lush photos! :) I have a camera but no where near the skill you do- I'd be quite happy to guest blog but I have no idea what you'd like posts to be about? xx

  5. These are fantastic photos, love them! xxx

  6. So very lovely, I adore looking at these photos ! !

  7. Such beautiful photos as always! Love the look of this place. Another to add to my sightseeing list! x

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  9. What gorgeous grounds, and what gorgeous pictures! Thank you for sharing.

    Happy early birthday, by the way. :)


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