Friday, 15 October 2010

The Lady of the Hundred Dresses.

I was driving home the other night and debating what to wear this weekend, which got me thinking about dresses. I have a LOT of dresses. I wear dresses almost every day - they're comfortable, pretty, and so easy to accessorize. Tights, cardi = DONE.

A little while ago I counted all the dresses in my wardrobe and the total was OVER FIFTY. Pretty shocking. And then it occurred to me that I have enough dresses in my possession to wear a different dress every week for a year. Over a year. And that little thought turned into...

F R I D A Y - F R O C K S!!

Every Friday, I have decided, I'm going to post one of my dresses. And then probably talk about it a bit.

I'm infatuated with this spotty H&M number. It's actually quite recent - so you may still be able to find it. I'm still at that stage where I want to wear it all the time. And it goes with everything. Belt, or no belt. Black, purple, grey, maroon tights. Heels or boots. Day or night. And it ALWAYS gets compliments.

I wore this last weekend to a friend's birthday celebrations in London. It was casual and comfortable enough to see me through an afternoon's pottering, but smart enough to last through a night of karaoke.

Accessorised with Miss Selfridge butterfly ring and handmade necklace.

I think I've found my Christmas Day dress. :)



  1. I'm a dress person too :D that's a lovely dress you're wearing! xxxx

  2. I adore this dress. You look stunning!

    And are you standing en pointe at the end there?! x

  3. Yay, delightful new feature!

  4. Dress and jewellery are amazing. I need that necklace in my life Sarah! Miss Selfridge jewellery is surprisingly lovely. xx

  5. That's a brilliant idea! I think I'm the same, a dress means that you don't have to both thinking what will match the bottom half, and it's really comfy (especially around christmas when you can wear those smock ones to squeeze in that extra bit of pudding.. or is that just me?)
    I digress, I'm really looking forward to reading these posts because this dress is lovely, have you read the book that you pictured first?

  6. That is such a beautiful dress! I'm a frock fan too, so am looking forward to the rest of your featured items :)

  7. Aah I love this dress, wish I'd bought it when I saw it! You look gorge x

  8. That is so so lovely! I love this idea. :)

    The last picture is really beautiful too.

  9. Aww this is an amazing idea for a series! I adore dresses and I particularly love this one! xo

  10. Thanks everyone!!

    Rachel, I haven't read the book - that's actually a greetings card! I'd like to, though - the title is just so me!

  11. I am also definitely a dress person.

    Can certainly see why that one is a favourite - I want it! Got a bit of a thing for polka dots at the moment..

    Looking forward to seeing more of your dresses :)

    Thanks for the comment on my latest post btw - did you get anything from clothingattesco.. dare I ask!?

  12. Aww, your title is from that card on your mirror, isn't it?

    I own 5 dresses. I own 3 pairs of heels. I suck at being a girl!

  13. Beautiful frock, the colour is lovely. I've got more dresses than a woman could ever need and still I keep

  14. I really enjoy this dress. And this idea in general...cant wait to see more :)

  15. wow! i love it! i also love the necklace too - so skilled. x

  16. stunning! i think i'll love this feature, can't believe you have over 50 dresses! how huge is your wardrobe? i wanna peek! i probably would own 50 dresses if i had room to be honest...


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