Friday, 20 January 2012

I love you like a love song.

There are lots of reasons to get married in January.

1) Everyone needs a pick-me-up after Christmas
2) Venues are markedly cheaper
3) The weather's rubbish so you don't place all your hopes on one day of sunshine

Yep, I'm totally for winter weddings. But there is one issue with weddings in JANUARY that I certainly didn't think of and that's... Christmas. Because in December it's totally acceptable to throw the diet out of the window and to go to Greggs for breakfast every single day. To have three tins of Quality Street on the go at any one time. And to drink wine pretty much every night. It's DECEMBER! It's what people DO! It's FINE!!!

Yes. It's totally fine until you go to put on the new dress you've had put aside for the aforementioned January wedding and... yeah, you guessed it. It won't do up. And all my other generously cut, appropriate-for-wedding outfits have already had an outing at weddings. So. Panic. My Paypal account got emptied. Packages of dresses found themselves winging their way to me. I set my lunchtimes aside to run, panicked, around every shop in turn, just trying to find SOMETHING.

We've all been there, right?

Luckily, I did the sensible thing when I hit the shops and started with Debenhams. I was actually looking for a green Oasis dress I'd seen just before Christmas, that somehow I was convinced would still be there in my size. It was still there. But in a size 6. Denied. But then I remembered a pink dress I'd seen in December (and featured in my bumper best of the party dresses post), that I'd sent a photo of to my friend Gemma who loves all things pink and 50s-style, ordering her to march herself down there to buy it (she did, and looked awesome in it). I had a hunt, and I found the dress... reduced to £18. Great fit, great quality, great colour. Aaaaand... sold.

The wedding was fantastic too, but unusually for me, I didn't take that many photos. Far too busy enjoying myself! Big congratulations to my newlywed buddies Mark and Jennie. That's the first of four weddings this year...

Jewellery - Topshop
Shoes - Matalan
Belt - Ribbon nabbed from another dress


  1. Gah, you know already that I LOVE this dress on you! You look fab, you're always going to weddings lady! I've been to 2 in my life, when I was 20 at my sisters and 21 at my brother's and that's it lol xo

    1. Thank you! It's such a great dress, I'm so glad I got it and for so CHEAP! Haha I know, my friends are all of a getting married age now, that's the first of four this year! :)

  2. That dress is perfect! The kid in me (not literally, before anyone gets the wrong idea!) will always opt for polka dots and pink where appropriate too (: LOVE that hedgehog ring as well. And the Selena Gomez reference. :D

    1. I know, isn't the hedgehog ring AMAZING? Love Topshop sales! And I can wear it with my silver ring that I never take off (partly cos it won't come off) which is even better. Yay Selenaaaaa. x

  3. That cake is beautiful, love the pictures you took from the wedding. An absolutely stunning dress by the way, and the polka dot nails to match just add to it all! A plus of the extra Christmas weight you now have this stunning number to your wardrobe :)

    Steph @


  4. Oh the dress is tiny :)
    You look gorgeous!
    I love a wedding any time of the year, I need a wedding to go to! x

  5. That dress is absolutely amazing! You look totally awesome! :) x

  6. Stunningly beautiful hun! We are thinking of getting married end of October. I never wanted a summer wedding, I want the colours of autumn in my photographs xx

  7. Love love love that dress! I love the H! range at Debenhams.

    Amy @ xxx

  8. Oh my god, I want this dress! If I wore it with pink shoes as well literally every part of me would be pink :D x

  9. I love the dress, it is a fabulous color (you have an eye for colors that work beautifully on you) and fabulous fit on you. I wish they weren't sold out of my size, it is all sorts of adorable. I totally understand what you mean about December, I was drinking loads of wine and eating a ton of baked goods for the entire month, the silly part is since then I keep going - why have I gained 5lbs? I don't know whyy it is a mystery to me. I've never been to a Winter wedding, plenty of Fall and Summer weddings, I can definitely see the appeal.


  10. You look amazing in that dress! Such a great colour :)
    I love a good wedding, I can't wait until all of my friends start to get married x

  11. I want to get married in winter! Stupid summer, it would make me all sweaty and gross and un-weddingy. I love that dress, it is amazing!

  12. Polka dots are rad. And you look fab!
    Hope the wedding was as fun as your dress.

  13. your dress is absolute perfection! ANd the wedding looks gorgeous too, congrats to the happy couple!

  14. LOVE this dress and that hedgehog ring is lovely, you look beautiful as always!

    Maria xxx

  15. You look amazing - that dress is such a good find! Also, I LOVE their wedding cake (I used to make wedding cakes so appreciate seeing a good one!). x

  16. Love this dress, awesome bargain! :)

  17. Aww you look BEAUTIFUL! And you don't look like you've gained a single pound xx

  18. You look smokin chick! I love the way you've done your polish.

  19. I love that dress! I have a similar one but it is red, I need a wedding to go to asap to wear it. Otherwise it just gets used for minnie mouse fancy dress hah.

  20. Living on Quality Street? Oh yes. And the chickens have well and truly come home to roost! (I speak for myself here, you look lovely). Great dress and of course I love the polish.

  21. Love the dress and the hedgehog (?) ring :) And yes Jan weddings are lovely (we had one the 2nd week) but oh god yes my dress was a little tighter than it was at the start of Dec! ;)

  22. You look like a dream in this dress. I love it! I love you!



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