Wednesday 25 January 2012

If you're gonna try and walk on water, make sure you wear your comfortable shoes.

My mother would warn me off these shoes. Let's face it, the 6 inch heel is a height best described as "ankle-breaking" and pewter glitter isn't exactly practical. But that's why they’re perfect. As far as I’m concerned, the more impractical the shoe, the better - they’re forbidden fruit in footwear form.

You see, when I was a little girl, shoes were... difficult. "You've inherited my feet," my mother would tell me, slipping her broad feet into a pair of sensible but ugly sandals. A woman who has never been able to wear heels, she tried to prepare me for a life of plate-shaped feet.

I got older, but not much taller - stopping just shy of 5 foot 2. My feet were wide, sure, but I wasn’t ready to give up on heels. I vowed to train my feet to accept them, and started traipsing around in cheap, uncomfortable 3 inch platforms in an attempt to appear just a little bit taller. Oh, there were blisters. There was pain. There were far too many tripping incidents from overly spacious pairs. But I persevered… and it started to work.

The shoes got nicer (and pricier). And my feet adjusted - high heels were no longer out of bounds. I scoffed at the sensible 3-inchers of my past and started living life a good 5 inches taller, made all the more satisfying knowing that I was challenging my flat-footed destiny.

These shoes - these fabulous, sparkly shoes - are the embodiment of all of that. I shouldn't be able to wear them. I should just give up and choose a sensible pair instead. But the best pairs of heels AREN'T sensible. They're a luxurious, naughty treat, and what could be more glorious than wearing such a guilty pleasure on your feet?

P.S. Not that rhapsodising about beautiful shoes is unusual for me, but in case you were wondering, this was my competition entry to become a Sarenza ambassador. DREAM COME TRUE.


  1. I have a pair of Carvela 6 inch patent shoes...and they are shockingly I say Go ahead!! They are lovely

  2. I love your entry - good luck in the competition! I will definitely vote for you if you get to the final!

  3. They are looooovely! I love high shoes too now because I'm also a shorty. When I was younger though I refused to wear heels and my Mum & Nana were always like 'when you get older you'll want to wear them because you're short' and how right they were.

  4. Ohhh they are gorgeous! :) xxx

  5. Great post! And those shoes are incredibly beautiful but very high!
    I wear heels quite a bit and mostly around 4/5 inch heels. I have had the pain of losing half a toenail (I know! but to be fair to the heels, someone also trod on my foot!)but I just can't say no to glitzy footwear.
    I salute your determination to wear heels.:)


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