Friday, 18 May 2012

I'm wrecking this evening already and loving every minute of it.

Guys, it's okay. I know what you think of me. You think I'm this intimidating, classy girl who wears pretty dresses and never has a hair out of place, who never gets too drunk or falls over or looks like a scruffbag 85% of the time. I KNOW, okay. But I'm here to tell you that it's all LIES! I'm... not entirely perfect. Sorry to shatter your illusions.

So, while I'm shattering illusions, I figured I would share a totally shambolic Friday Frock. I really, really love this leopard print dress, but it's a dress for going out and drinking sambuca in, not for looking wistful in the garden. SO THAT IS WHAT I DID.

My job is demanding and sometimes stressful, and working 10 or 11 hour days isn't unusual, but what makes it ALWAYS worth it is the great team of ladies I share my pod with. We work hard, but then when we all get together out of work... well. A combination of birthdays and shots and dancing and whatnot equals fun and some very un-blogger photos. HURRAH.

Dress - New Look (concession)
Necklace - Benita Blue
Drunken Eyes - Blogger's Own

It's kind of fitting that I am posting a work-related outfit post today because I GOT PROMOTED!!! I am now a Brand Manager, whoop whoop. It turns out it's really not easy to look humble when people say 'well deserved' at you. *looks humble* See, I suck.

PS - You guys get that I'm kidding with all the classy stuff and I know I'm a totally ridiculous human being, right? Good.

PPS - I'm in Portugal!


  1. Love your dress so cute <3

  2. Love that dress, and the pics!

    Congratulations on your promotion! I think you should give up on looking humble and just gloat instead. It's more fun.


  3. CONGRATULATIONS! And I love your sambuca dress, I have a few like this too!

    Maria xxx

  4. Congrats! Looks like you had a great time :) x

  5. Congratulations on you promotion! The dress looks fab.
    R xx

  6. Love the dress! I picked up something similar recently.

    Also congrats on being promoted.

    Morag x

  7. Congrats on the promotion :-) lovely dress xx

  8. Congrats on the promotion, good job:)

    I just posted a leopard print dress outfit post today too, you gotta love the animal print!! My work nights out are often very similar to this :) xx


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