Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Just drive on and don't ever stop.

I love some of the random things that get sent my way, but the best one recently was a heads up about a competition that London Living were running to win a free London cab for a day. I entered and somehow won! I felt a little guilty because I have a car and can ferry myself around whenever I want, but it turns out that it's pretty amazing having a day in London and a car waiting for you. I kind of felt like a celebrity.

So, with my friend Anne in tow, we planned an amazing day. And then it poured with rain literally nonstop so we scrapped those plans and did other stuff. Here is what!

We started at Spitalfields Market for a wander, and most importantly, the best fricking breakfast that I have ever eaten at The Luxe. That is, indeed, a waffle, french toast, a pancake and bacon. DAAAAAMMMMMNNNN.

Here is an artful picture of my strawberry nails wrapped around my hot chocolate!

Then we headed to Fiona's house for her Bedroom Jumble. Fiona is the best person in the world and has gone to give Copenhagen a tste of her amazingness. London just couldn't handle her.

We also stopped and took some pictures in the cab. London Living sent me a hat, which, let's face it, looks way better on Anne than on me. Stupid giant head.

THEN! Battersea car boo - oh, right. Rain. FOILED. Instead! westfield! I've never been to Westfield - either Westfield - so it seemed like a good time to go.




Aaaaand... somehow it is now 9pm and a Sunday and YAWN. Bring my car around, would you, Jeeves?

Best. Day. Ever. Thanks, London Living! And a special thank you to David the cabbie (who also has a blog!).



  1. Ah how fun, that's such a neat prize and must have been nice to pack so much in without worrying about transport.


  2. Nice pictures <3


  3. Oh my gosh, what a wonderful prize to win :)
    I really want to try pinkberry, it looks so yummy! xx

  4. Pinkberry is the best thing EVER. I went to Westfields Stratford the other day, what flavour did you get? I had chocolate, with brownie bits, peanut butter crunch, and strawberries on top. Heaven in a pot.

    Charlotte xo

  5. it looks and sounds like you had such an amazing day, i so wish i had my own personal cab driver! such a shame the weather wasn't good enough to pop along to battersea boot, maybe we could go together one day? :) xx

  6. Ahh what an amazing prize to win! Looks like you had such a fabulous day even if the weather was less than perfect! Xo

  7. Sounds like the best day! I love Pinkberry, I always feel so guilty about spending £6 on yogurt but it tastes so good. x

  8. Wow, what a neat win! I'm glad you had a great day :)
    R xx


  10. Wow - that is such a cool competition to win! Looks like you totally made the most of it too!

  11. Wow this looks like the most amazing day! And I love your outfit :)

  12. This sounds AMAZING, I want a personal cab now!

    Maria xxx

  13. This is like the BEST prize ever, I'd have definitely got taken to Spitalfields Market, I live at the other end of the Central Line so never want to do that journey! Looks like SO much fun!!

    allaboutthegirlblog.blogspot.com xx

  14. That is seriously so fabulous, I'd love to have a car drive me around all day, I have to admit I probably would have gotten quite tanked during the day to take full advantage of a driver. I love the hat they sent you, how cute. It sounds like you have a great day despite all the rain and you both look so stylish. I adore pinkberry and that drink looks amazing.



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