Friday, 21 February 2014

Friday Frocks #152 - Everything has to reach a peak sometime.

Cardigan – Red Herring
Tights – Primark
Shoes - Clarks

Sometimes, when I’m having a stressful day, I’ll nip out at lunchtime and go and look at clothes. It’s probably a damning sign of my mental health that being around nice dresses makes things seem better – I literally feel calmer and happier when I’m browsing the rails of New Look or Topshop. There’s something kind of sad about that, I suppose, but it also goes a long way to explain my bulging wardrobe.

Lately, I’ve been a little more stressed than usual, and mostly I’ve been able to resist splurging too much… but when I saw this dress, I couldn’t not. Isn’t it gorgeous? Although I always love a collar, it’s much more high necked than I’d usually go for, but it’s incredibly flattering and comfortable to wear and is lovely, lovely quality. It actually reminds me of some of the Orla Kiely dresses from last season, but it set me back just £25 in New Look. It’s definitely my new favourite right now – I want to wear it all the time!

Upsettingly, I’ve now found it in green, too! I’m refusing to try it on because I just can’t resist how great green looks with red hair, but if £25 suddenly falls into my lap or it goes into the sale, I cannot be responsible for my actions.

I wore it out to lunch with some friends last Saturday to Aqua, in St Albans. If you’re in the area, I highly recommend it! Super yummy, good value, garlicky Italian food – it’s making me hungry just thinking about it!

Turns out I look totes heroic when the wind blows, no? I'm getting a cape.


  1. Lovely dress! Retail therapy is the best! ;)

    Secret little Stars

  2. This dress is incredible! I NEED the green...totally get what you say about green clothes and red hair. UM YES PLZ.


  3. It looks much more expensive than that and yes I can see the Orla Keilly thing!!! I understand about dresses making you feel better. I was all smug over Christmas holidays and beginning of Jan as I had only bought one thing. Then I got ill around the 3rd of Jan and kept catching colds and subsequently, online shopping went through the roof! I've realised the link now- miserable = pretty dresses!x

  4. Ah dresses make everything in the world right again!

  5. This is such a gorgeous print, I can;t believe it was only £25!

    Maria xxx

  6. Love this dress! Looks great on you :) x


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