Thursday, 16 September 2010

Betty Boo just doin' the do.

I love the fact that I have lots of friends scattered across the country. Especially since learning to drive (3 years ago, nearly, but I still appreciate it) as on a boring weekend I can just hop in my little black Ka, show up, and order my friends to entertain me.

One such friend, Ali, lives in Derbyshire, and whenever I visit (and often, when our other friend Nic visits too - from Canada) we make a point of going somewhere interesting and different. Haddon Hall was one such destination. Anyway, back in July, the three of us went all over the shop, and ended up in York. Which meant I squealed 'BETTYSBETTYSBETTYSBETTYSSCONESANDTEASCONESANDTEAPLEASE' until, um, we went to Betty's. And then my friends were like, 'Sarah, don't you hate tea?' BUT THAT WAS NOT THE POINT.


We also popped into Judy's Affordable Vintage Fair, which was mad busy but I managed to elbow my way through and nabbed some jewellery - this beautiful necklace (not my usual style, but I love it) and this adorable hat-shaped brooch.

Doing random wanderings with friends is like my favourite thing ever. Especially when there are scones.



  1. Ooooh I must take my Mum to this place, she loves a good scone haha! Beautiful necklace! I have a hat brooch similar to that, just less spangly ): Booo! xxx

  2. Bettys is one of the best things about living in Yorkshire :D

  3. I LOVE Betty's, it's amazing! what did you have if you don't like tea then? coffee? their coffee is pretty amazing too like. I had an afternoon tea with scones and finger sandwiches and little cakes (macaroons!). Oh i love betty's. So much.

  4. Helen - I had PIMMS! I love Pimms!

    I bought macaroons to take home and totally forgot to photograph them. They were gooooood though.

  5. God, I love Betty's. Even though I can't eat most of the cakes, it's still glorious.

    The vintage jewellery is amazing too. Love that hat brooch!

  6. Ooooh I'm sad that I live hundreds of miles away from york cause bettys looks AWESOME :) yum! afternoon tea and cake is the best everrr xx

  7. I've never been to Betty's! I don't know how this is possible though as I've been to York plenty and only like an hour away.

    I love your pictures. How do you get that lovely effect on them? Are they edited? :)

  8. I've only been to Betty's once, but it was brilliant! Best scones ive ever had... <3

  9. I wish we had a tea room in my town (I am a tea drinker) this looks awesome those scones look so yummy and how fabulous to end the day with some vintage shopping sounds like the perfect day xoxo

  10. ah such beautiful pictures. Those scones look delicious!

  11. Jealous! You've got me craving tea and scones, then again it's always Pimms time in my book too! x

  12. Mmmm, looks delicious! I love the hat shaped brooch too, so cute!

  13. 3 of my most favourite things in the world:

    1. Friends.

    2. Tea and scones.

    3. The Affordable Vintage Fair.

    Sounds perfect to me! x


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