Friday, 25 February 2011

I can't slow down, I won't be waiting for you.

Are we here already? This week has sort of got away from me – quite a lot of late nights at work, I suppose, but mostly I’m not sure where the time went. I’m so relieved it’s Friday though – the week has sped by but I’m exhausted! Partly due to having less than 6 hours sleep last night. I need over 7 to function like a human.

I quickly snapped this outfit after work yesterday before trying on everything in my wardrobe to find something to wear to a tiny My Chemical Romance gig in Islington. The dress code was colour – in line with the Fabulous Killjoys – and I struggled! Florals wouldn’t really fit and it seems like my entire wardrobe is florals these days. I need to go to more gigs where the dress code is sexy librarian. (I ended up wearing a red skirt and bright blue top and a LOT of eyeliner.)

The gig was AMAZING though – seeing a band like that in such a small venue meant the atmosphere was electric. I ache all over today but am determined to get to more gigs now this year – my attitude of late has been ‘Well, I’m going to Glastonbury, that’s like all my gigs for the year in one!’ NOT THE SAME. Who’s with me? More jumping up and down getting elbowed in the face in grubby London venues please! (Also, it is such a good workout! I am going to invent moshaerobics. It will take off, you’ll see.)

Anyway, back to the outfit, which is about as far removed from a moshing ensemble as you can get. I picked up this dress in Primark last week, to celebrate payday finally arriving. I also picked up this bag. And these boots in New Look. I think even the tights are new. I love you, payday. I really like the dress – it reminds me a little of this number – and although I think the print is a bit ugly, I still like it. No one agrees with me when I say it’s ugly, even when I try to clarify that it’s ugly in a NICE way. Green is always one of those colours I get told that I should wear more of, especially with my reddish hair. Also, it’s a good length, which means that I can factor it into my work wardrobe. Love it.

It was surprisingly hard to get a good photos of these awesome boots.
Dress – Primark (£10)
Bag – Primark (£7)
Boots – New Look (£20)

This entry seems a little all over the place today – I think my tiredness is obvious. I’m off to dye my hair and paint my nails with my new nail polish that arrived yesterday. And then I’m going to watch a cheesy girlie romcom of no artistic merit whatsoever. And SLEEP.

I’m off to a couple of blogging events tomorrow, so I’ll be sure to report back next week. Have a good weekend everyone! Oh and so glad you all liked my cheesy playlist - I'll try and post more!


  1. I LOVE your outfit! and that bag is ADORABLE! Lovely!!!

  2. God love grubby venues- though you can't get much grubbier than a field in glasto....god knows how i'm going to survive! I'm also deeply in love with that bag. Seriously. I've finally found THE ONE.

  3. Love the dress and am very jealous about the gig! x

  4. Love the dress, the cut is really beautiful! I know what you mean about gigs, I want to go to at least one this year! I would love to see My Chemical Romance, glad you enjoyed :) x

  5. la la love little gigs in little venues, haha.
    they're so much more fun and inviting, and the atmosphere just buzzes excitement.
    i already have a few planned for next month, cannot wait.

    gorgeous dress, i must add :)xx

  6. Those boots are amazing and the bag is lovely! I wish the Primark near me had it in! :)

    Maria xxx

  7. Love this dress. I don't think the print is ugly as such, even in a good way...but I get what you mean. I still like it though!
    Plus those boots are amazing. Amazing!

  8. I love your boots! They look amazing!
    I am on a mission to go to more gigs too, I have the same attitude but except I go to Reading. I love festivals but its just not as good as a venue, something gets lost in the open air! It always seems just more intense inside!

  9. I feel too old for festivals now and I'm only 23. Been to Reading for the past 6 years and the past 2 years have been ruined by posh, drunk 16 yr olds who just got their gcse results and want to burn everyones tent and take drugs. I'm going to Greenman this year, much smaller and in Brecon with a more folky feel, can't wait.
    I love that dress, the shape is pefect for you

  10. I lvoe yuor dress, and the My Chemical Romance gig sounds awesome! I actually really do think moshaerobics would take off, or at least be a reasonably popular fad that would make you some money!

  11. Haha the sexy librarian comment made me LOL! I haven't been to a gig for over a year now I's been way too long. In moshaerobics you would have to include a bit of skanking too!

  12. Glad you had an awesome time! I absolutely adore this whole outfit. Those shoes are absolutely kick ass!

  13. I love hoing to gigs! Especially smaller London venues!

    Completely loving this outfit. The dress is so pretty.

  14. I LOVE that dress. You make me want new dresses.

  15. Oooo I'm loving the bag.. very glad to find that it's from Primark and for only £7!! :)

    Thanks for featuring it!



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