Thursday, 3 February 2011

There's a ladder in my tights, and that's the way I like it.


You sort of have to, really, when you spend your life in skirts. I don't experiment with coloured tights as often as I'd like - I work in the kind of office where grey tights are considered adventurous! I still love them, though, and when I was asked if I fancied popping up to Kensington to have a nosey round the Tabio store and take a few photos, I jumped at the chance.

Socks and tights may not seem all that glamorous or exciting, but there's something I love about making the most out of the most practical of garments. Also, they're PRETTY.

Colours upon colours!

Pattern upon pattern!

GARTERS. Let's bring garters BACK, ladies!

Did you know that Tabio is named after the Tabi socks that Japanese women (and men!) are traditionally known for wearing with their flipflop style shoes, designed with a separator between big toe and the rest of the foot. Bringing you the facts, guys. All the facts.

Tabi... oh, I get it!

I was given a pair of gorgeous ink blue 110 denier tights to take away - I wore them for the first time this week and they are amazing quality - and yet totally suitable for work. J'adore!

If you need more tights, socks or garters (GARTERS!) then bam - website.


  1. I would not even know where to start, so many colours!

  2. Agh that is one mega collection! I love the wooly bed socks, they look very snuggly! x

  3. Wow- i didn't even know a Tabi existed...learn something new everyday! Kinda glad they expanded their range though, no gonna lie :P


  4. The Japanese flip flops are known as Geta and they are worn with kimonos and yukata. Geisha wear geta with a wooden block in the middle (rather than one at toe and one at the heel) as the balancing on it is considered to show graceful movement. Here ends the lesson on Japanese footwear...

    The shop looks amazing!

  5. I love Tabio tights, I practically live in their 110 deniers, but I but online and have never actually been to a real-life Tabio store - it looks amazing.

  6. I LOVE tabio tights...they are pricey-ish but I am yet to ladder a pair!

  7. I want to live in this shop... x

  8. i thought to myself this morning, as i tried to fit all of the tights from today's laundry into an already-full drawer of tights, "i really have too many tights."
    but let's face it, there is no too many. i want to go to this shop. a lot. xx

  9. the more i learn about you, the more i am reminded of my best friend kate!

    she really is enamored with tights... i swear she owns more tights than her entire closet (a rather extensive one, too) and her shoes put together. thousands. oh my. <3

  10. I want to wear them all! Maybe not at once...I'd resemble the Michelin man, but oh to have a room just for tights! x

  11. I could spend A LOT of money in that shop! *drools*

  12. ooh i would have a hard time controlling myself in that shop! I love tights. I need to be a bit braver wearing colours - and I definitely agree on bringing back garters!


  13. I'm always wearing black thights I really should try new colours...

  14. There store is heaven to me.

  15. Wow, lots of pretty things!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  16. I luuuurve coloured tights, though I've never tried Tabio. I've heard so many good things about them, I'm scared I would spend a fortune! x

  17. the quality of tabio tights is out of this world! love them. i have a black & red pair.

  18. Ooo, these are amazing! I love coloured/patterned tights. They're so much fun to wear.
    The store looks really cool. Must go there one day.

  19. That is very close to my idea of heaven, minus the tabi socks (aka trotter toes) as they mildly freak me out.

  20. God I love Tabio. Their 210 denier tights saved my life this winter.

  21. So many colours! How is a girl to choose?

  22. Lots of Nice Comments! You will all have to come down to the Kensington store at some point!!


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