Friday, 19 August 2011

It was a rainbow coalition of dancing.

Last weekend I went to visit two of my favourite people, James and Lenny in Brighton. We were planning to watch the Pride Parade and then go to the mini festival in Preston Park. However, we were amazingly rubbish on Saturday morning and managed to miss the entire parade. But we made it into the park where, um... we got EXTREMELY drunk. And saw Alexandra Burke live! So, yeah, I can say that I've done that now.

Just to bring it back to Friday Frocks, I wore this cute swallow dress from New Look. It's a couple of years old, but one of my favourite summer dresses. I love the print, the neckline - actually, I'm amazed I haven't featured it on here before!

Dress - New Look 
Necklace - Topshop 
Belt - Marks & Spencer 
Trainers - Converse

We had such an ace day - after heading home for a little crisp break (having crisps for dinnner was a mistake, in hindsight) we went to a street party, and then staggered home in the wee small hours. Although, if the photos I took are anything to go by, we spent the whole day sitting in the same spot in Preston Park, making silly faces, attacking each other with glitter and taking ridiculous photos. I seem to remember James shouting 'YOU'RE A BLOGGER! MAKE SILLY FACES!' hence...

I will glitter you the eff up.

Oh - and check out my amazing eyemakeup, courtesy of Lenny's mad skills. It was still perfectly in place the next morning - although my incredible false eyelashes weren't. Turns out I'd left them by the TV, which gave my friends a shock on Sunday night... because they looked like centipedes. Ooops.

Extreme drunken faces, but doesn't our eyeshadow look fabulous?
Lenny's amazing tattoos!

It was the BEST DAY. Lots of fun with my lovely friends, and, as ever, I stayed classy until the end.



  1. Looks like you guys had sooo much fun! x

  2. Lovely pictures - look like you had an absolute ball.. Especially loving the rainbowy eye shadow. Very pretty indeed :) xx

  3. Pride always looks so fun and your rainbow eyeshadow looked amazing!! classy classy blogger!! ;)

  4. Bahaha this made me giggle! I LOVE Lenny's tattoos! And your eye make up is genius :D x

  5. :o :o :o Lenny has a Return to Oz tattoo! She is now officially The Coolest Person in All Creation.

  6. Awh, I wish I could do rainbow eyes every day! Always love when people recognise the Oz tattoo. Sarah has witnessed first hand, ransoms poking me or asking about it. She was so my tattoo bouncer that night. :)

  7. Love the bird print dress, looks like such a fun day! x

  8. These photos really capture the feeling of your day, love it! I live near Brighton and yet never been to pride! xx

  9. this looks like such a fun time! love all the glitter xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  10. Look like you had a blast! Love the glitter!

  11. I love the eye makeup and your dress. Looks like you had a ton of fun!

  12. gorgeous eye makeup, and amazing dress. Looks like a fun day, and those silly face pictures just add to that sense of a day of drunken delightful fun. Awesome post!

  13. Looks AWESOME!

    And how amazing is your eye makeup?! I need lessons - can you get Lenny to do some sort of guest tutorial maybe?

  14. Yay Pride! I didn't do the park this year but I was at the street party, loads of fun! Fantastic makeup! xx

  15. Your eyeshadow looks stunning! seriously beautiful!


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