Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Take, take, take your time.

On the immensely shallow scale of things, is there anything worse than someone buying you a gift that there is no way they could get right? I realise this is an incredibly selfish sentence, but it's still... sort of true.

I'm struggling to think of examples of this actually happening to me - probably a good thing as I risk offending people - but the one item I'd most fear receiving is a new watch. I've worn the same watch for 8 years - huge testament to Storm's manufacturing! And apart from the logo falling off and a few scratches, there's nothing wrong with it, other than I'm just bored of it (EIGHT YEARS, ffs).

What irritates me is that every watch I seem to see is bloody CHUNKY. It's one of those frustrating situations when the entire world seems to like one thing and I... just... DON'T. It's The Streets being number one all over again (WORST LYRICS IN THE WORLD). Seriously though, there's nothing wrong with chunky watches, but they're just not for me. I actually think my current watch is TOO chunky. (If you're thinking 'Dude, show a picture of your current watch already!' it's in every single outfit post I've done, knock yourself out.)

I've managed to find a few on ASOS that I actually like, which is a miracle. It's rare for me to list the price being too low as a negative aspect of something I watch, but I do worry about £20-30 watches lasting. Although, I change the rest of my jewellery constantly, why shouldn't I mix up my watches too? It is tempting to put that £100 or so I'd spend on a watch-for-life towards these three beauties, instead...


Very, very tempting....


  1. This is so true, I always dread people buying me a new purse as I will never replace mine until it gets to the point it can't actually hold any money.

    I'm also not a good person to buy jewellery for being a jewellery designer myself and am always tempted to chop it up for parts :/ unless it's something I really like, and then I have to make a conscious effort to wear it with my own things.

    The first watch is my favourite, so unusual!

  2. I think jewellery is always a difficult present to buy for people...it's such a personal thing.
    I love those watches they're really pretty.

  3. Giving a gift is a gift in itself - some people do it really well, others just don't have the knack. I tend to try and take the "it's the thought that counts" view, but it can be frustrating when you receive a gift that sits on your dressing table day after day after day, looking up at you , begging to be used. Only it's not really "you". I feel guilty too, because someone has spent money on it for you! Just for the record, I have a £25 oasis watch that I got on my 16th birthday... I'm not almost 22 and it's still going strong... if that's any helpful advice to you lol :) ?

  4. Yes! I think you've just said what we all experience. In-laws and what not I understand, but when it's a friend who buys something totally 'not you' it's always baffling.

    I like the watches you've chosen. They're a nice alternative to the abundance of Michael Kors!

  5. The amount of watches I've been bought in the past is crazy, and only one person has bought me one I love. It is a really personal thing! I love that wrap around vintage style one, very pretty! x

  6. It took me years (I kid you not) to find the perfect watch for me, and it happened to be a vintage gold one that my boyfriend's mum gave to me. My boyfriend then bought me a really similar one in silver so I could mix it up a little. Then hunting in my mum's loft last month uncovered another one.

    I think a watch has to find you rather than you find a watch.

  7. Absolutely love that first watch.

    C x

  8. Oh, that ribbon one's a honey! I'm not one for chunky watches either, although there are a few I like. I got my bracelet watch from Past Times actually. They've got some gorgeous designs, and I've never seen anyone else wearing one like mine. For something like £24 I've not had any problems with it in the year and a half I've been wearing it daily, with the exception of my wrist going a liiiitle bit green when it's hot and sweaty weather!

  9. Love them, I have a hard time actually using a watch though, I'll wear it but then always forget it ya know will tell me what time it is lol. I LOVE the ribbon one, super cute.


  10. I love watched. They're my favourite thing ever. I always make sure I spend at least £100 on a watch that would last, rather than less expensive ones, which I find don't last as long.
    But these are all so pretty. I love the ribbon one.

  11. I have NEVER worn a watch. I got an armani one from my uncle for my 18th but it's blue and I don't wear blue. I'm just not a watch girl.

    That said, i really want an uber hipstery casio one, obv.

  12. I never wear watches O_O I feel like I'm missing out a little but I'd just never remember to look at the thing! Absolutely love the second watch, but if I were to buy a watch riiiight now, it'd probs be a Michael Kors one. *clings onto the bandwagon driving off into the distance* xx

  13. It's so hard sometimes to decide which to go for, especially if you're spending a fair bit of money and want it to be something you'll get a lot of wear out of, it took me numerous shopping trips to decide on my last watch! x

  14. love the ribbon one :) i too love dainty pretty things. Have u ever been to dolly dare near spitalfields market? sooo pretty :)

  15. Hmmm, would a spot of DIY work well for you? Find a watch dial that you really like and then create lots of different ribbon straps for it that you can swap over according to mood?


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