Friday, 28 October 2011

Dazzle, doused in gin.

On Wednesday, I went to the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards! That's right, I totally did. It was pretty awesome. You see, my other blog, Where Are My Knees, got nominated for an award in the diet and fitness category so off I tottered in very uncomfortable shoes, accompanied by my co-writers, Sarah and Gemma (unfortunately Charlene and Lucy couldn't make it).

Here are pictures of our faces!

It was a super fancy event with special branded cupcakes and cocktails and lots and lots of pretty dresses. These are my favourite kinds of events, you guys.

THIS IS MY DRESS. It's nice, innit? I've had it for a couple of years, I discovered it in the magic Debenhams in Harrow (trust me, it's a veritable treasure trove of awesome) and it's been destroying me for over a year that I haven't had a chance to share it on Friday Frocks yet. UNTIL NOW. It's all slinky and black, with an awesome ruffly skirt that's actually made up of loads of little black roses. Pretty!

Dress - Red Herring
Necklace & Shoes - Dorothy Perkins
Belt - New Look

Plus, I got my hair done up all fancy like. I visited Hersheson's Blow Dry Bar, and for £24 they made my hair look all sort of Jessica Rabbit-ish. Look how ripply it is! (I would definitely go there again - I think that's really reasonable to make a night out a bit more special, and I like that they give you options other than just 'Dry it straight' or 'Dry it a bit curly'.)

Anyway, we only went and got a Highly Commended! That means we came second, and as everyone on my Facebook told me, 'First is worst, second is best, third's the one with the hairy chest.' YEAH. And then YESTERDAY, we won a Welsh Blog Award! We're winning stuff all over the shop! Yayyyz.

I also got the chance to hang out with some of my favourite bloggers who'd all been shortlisted - Jen, Carrie, Jazmine, Kristabel, Zoe, Vicki, Lily and of course Sarah and Gemma. Plus it was lovely to meet Vanessa, Lyzi, Olivia and Lauren. In short, IT WAS AMAZING.

Here are some videos of us being silly.

And finally, don't forget - TBBCAR is still going on and we've raised over £600 already! Visit JustGiving now to donate to Breast Cancer Campaign and be in with the chance to win A WHOLE BUNCH OF STUFF. I'd love to raise over a thousand if I can!


  1. Look at you miss award winner! You looked fab and WAMK fully deserved all the praise it recieved!

  2. Looks like a great night, your hair looks gorgeous! Those cupcakes and cocktails look lovely! x

  3. You look great and looks like such a fabulous evening. I love having an excuse to dress up and be pretty.


  4. You look absolutely fantastic! LOVE the jessica rabbit hair and the dress is amazing!
    Congratulations on being highly commended :) That's incredible! And very well deserved :)
    Sooooo chuffed to see that the raffle is going so well! I've been checking the total once every half hour! :)

  5. Congratulations, looks like a wonderful event - and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Placebo lyric as your title! :D

  6. wowzer lady! You're a stunner
    the dress is so lovely, and you hair looked FAB!!! X

  7. Gor-geous. All of you! It looks like a wonderful night, and I wish I was as immensely cool as the lot of you. The end.

  8. i absolutely adored your hair on wednesday, sarah. you looked beautiful. congratulations once again for where are my knees! xx

  9. you look so hot! Love you hear like that.

  10. Love that photobooth, went in about 5 times!!
    Your hair looked amazing xx

  11. You look fabulous! Your dress is so gorgeous, and I love love love your hair!

    Congrats on being Highly Commended too, you guys definitely deserve it!


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