Friday, 19 April 2013

I want to be known for my hits, not just my misses.

I wasn’t going to feature this dress today, but it’s actually the perfect choice. It’s a dress that doesn’t need to try, smart and structured but low maintenance. No ironing required, minimal accessorising – just lop your unbrushed hair up, chuck a cardi on and go. You see, not having to try appeals to me this week because I’ve just been focusing on getting through the week. I’ve been fighting a nasty ear and throat infection combo for over a week now and have spent the bulk of the time rocking a great PJs & birdnest hair look. Just don’t get ill, kids. It’s RUBBISH.

I’ve only recently started to team red and navy because I am five thousand years behind the rest of the world, and also because I only just got a navy cardigan which makes everything easier. It’s kind of hard to team red and navy together when you don’t have any navy in your wardrobe. But the colours DO complement each other beautifully and although it’s a traditionally nautical combo, I don’t think this outfit screams ‘Hello, Sailor!’ which is totally fine, because that is not what I was aiming for. But if there are any sailors reading this... hello!

Dress – Closet via Dorothy Perkins
Tights – Tesco
Necklace c/o Matalan
Blink Court Shoes c/o Spartoo Shoes

It’s in stark contrast to the last time I featured it where I was all like ‘I have just got my hair cut! I’ve bothered to use my ghds! Here is a snappy jacket! Look how cheerful I am!’ Past Me is so much more on the ball than Current Me, even if she is a bit unbearably happy with annoyingly good hair. See, this is the occasional problem with the Then & Now feature. Maybe I should only start using examples when I look better NOW. Hopefully Future Me will sort it out… as a start, I’m getting my hair cut tomorrow, mostly because I’ve felt so UGH all week that I’ve decided the only way to fix it is to pay someone to make me look better. Also, my fringe has reached the point of no return. Fix me, hair magicians, fix me!

PS - Entered my amazing ASOS giveaway yet?
PPS - Oooh, I just found out that Zatchels are having a flash sale tomorrow with 50% off everything to celebrate their 2nd Birthday! I don't normally post about sales but I adore Zatchels bags and half price? I am so there! I want this one, or this!. It's only on tomorrow though so hurry!


  1. I love this outfit, red dresses always make me smile for some reason :) and those shoes are gorgeous!x

  2. This dress is stunning! I really love both out the ways you've worn it here. You're right, it looks so easy to style and looks amazing even without having to add loads of accessories.
    Jodie xx

  3. you are looking lovely! hope you are feeling better after your infection, that sounds horrible!

  4. Well I love Current You just as much as Past You :)


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