Friday, 13 September 2013

I go crazy cause here isn't where I wanna be.

I'm not sure any of us are cool with how suddenly summer seemed to end. I mean, is that it? Is it totally over? I have sundresses I haven't worn yet! I know, I know, it was one of the hottest summers we've had for years and so if that WAS our lot, we should be happy and move on. But even so. Just a little bit more sun would have been swell.

I always think about clothes ahead of time though. So in the winter, I'll think about cute summer ensembles, and vice versa. I got this dress in the New Look sale earlier this year, and squeezed into it a couple of times in the spring, but had already decided that it was tailor made for winter and thick black tights. So it got cold, and I quickly brought out my Winter-in-waiting outfit. It made me feel a little better about it.

The bowler hat, I've had for at least a year. I put it on, consider going out in it, and then feel silly and take it off. But it's been rainy this week, and so a cute hat becomes super practical too. Love a bit of functional fashion. So I wore it to the pub and no one asked me if my name was John Steed because, well, I'm not sure that many people would get the reference. But yeah. Gonna get more into adventurous hats this year. DECISION MADE.

Dress - New Look
Hat - H&M
(all old!)


  1. You look great - I adore the hat! You've made me want to try to wear my hat outside now - dry hat hair over drowned rat hair ftw! :D

    Fliss @ The Offbeat Girl xx

    The Offbeat Girl

  2. I love this dress. It looks great with black tights in this colder weather. I'm a bit lost now the weather has turned cooler. I had bought a few maternity dresses, but I've discovered I'd overlooked one very important item: maternity tights! My others don't fit at all. I've ordered some and hope they arrive soon because it's just too cold for bare legs! x

  3. Completely rocking that hat Sarah! I can't wait to break out the wooly tights!

  4. This dress is so pretty, I really love the collar!

    Maria xxx


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