Thursday, 12 December 2013

A walk in the park.

Just before I went on holiday to the US, the nice people at Olympus got in touch and asked me if I wanted to try out their Olympus PEN Lite camera. After checking that they trusted me to leave the country with it, I took it away with me.

It was a great call - although I love my Nikon DSLR, it can get pretty heavy when I've been lugging it around all day, and so having a mini version that took photos fit for - well, my blog - was ideal. Once I started using the Olympus, I found it hard to take my Nikon out again, because I got so used to the lighter, more portable camera.

I almost always edit my photos before I post them to my blog (Carrie's Photoshop actions are my favourite ones). However, I was blown away by how vibrant the colours were on these photos I took in Central Park, so I have taken the brave (for me, I'm a control freak and like things a certain way) decision to post them on here with no tinkering. They're pretty awesome, huh?

Honestly? I really want the Olympus PEN Lite. I only borrowed it for the duration of my trip, but I did not want to give it back. I was so pleased with the photos, and it's super user friendly (I can't pretend that I read the manual, guys). There was even a teeny, removable flash to go on the top. The lack of flash is one of the things I don't like about my Nikon 1 V1, and I'm really gutted to see that their external flash is so much bigger than the Olympus one. Hey Santa, any chance of an Olympus in my stocking this year?

Back to the subject of the photos, though. Central Park is stunning. I've been once before, but we barely scratched the surface. It's huge! It was freezing when we went, but one of those perfect, crisp, dry Autumnal days. I was worried I was going to regret not bringin my Hunter wellies, but it was fine. I know I'm raving about the camera, but to be fair, Nature was doing a pretty awesome job that day. Hooray for Nature!

I loved the plaques on the benches (the one below made me a bit teary), the Strawberry Fields memorial and the castle. I thought I knew about the castle from Enchanted (which is, obviously, very cool) but then I realised it was actually from The Smurfs (not so cool). It was just so pretty! And then we went to Macy's and I bought MAKE UP! Best day ever.

Coat - ASOS | Boots - Clarks | Snood & Hat - H&M | Tights - Tesco | Bag - Eastpak

Disclaimer: I know this post is super gushy, but I really loved the Olympus camera! I WANT ONE. I wasn't paid for this post, Olympus just loaned me their camera for a couple of weeks. It is now back with them, and I am sad.



  1. Beautiful photos! I love having a smaller camera, my DSLR kills my shoulders! I'm planning on buying one after Christmas and can't wait to have a more portable camera! I love bench plaques, they always make me tear up.

  2. Oh wow, it looks so beautiful there! Admittedly I keep looking at your photos and thinking'ooh that was in Gossip Girl... and that was in SATC!' - your photos are gorgeous too - what a great little camera!


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