Sunday, 8 December 2013

Have a Happy Hen Do!

SO. I decided recently that it's high time I use my wedding-going powers for good, not evil. But there are a ton of wedding blogs out there, and I'm definitely not qualified enough to start another one.

But along with millions of weddings, I also go to lots of hen dos (and have even organised a fair few of them). And you know what I discovered? There aren't any blogs about hen parties, and I don't really get it. There's so much to say!

Anyway, I promptly started one, which is here. And guys, I need your help! As much as I can chat away until the cows come home about hen dos, I really want the blog to have plenty of input from other hens and brides and bridesmaids. Becks has just done an awesome guest blog - that's the kind of thing I'm after.

So if you have any great experiences I'd love to hear them so get in touch by emailing

The cool thing about starting a blog about something that interests you is that you find out new stuff that you might not have known! For instance, Spabreaks sent me some research about what people prefer on hen dos. Turns out the majority of people prefer relaxing to things like white water rafting (um, I'm with you, majority) and most girls say 'What happens on the hen do, stays on the hen do.' Vegas rules, basically. I did a more detailed post on my hen do blog, because that's what it's there for! Go read it, people! And then send me your hen do stories!


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