Sunday, 29 December 2013

Life, lately.

1. Festive nails | 2. My old room - not like this any more, totally empty! | 3. Christmas jumper (it's in the sale!)
4. My new room - look familiar?
5-7. Presents! I'm a lucky lady.

Let's give it up for the pure joy of sitting down, shall we? This is my first chance since before Christmas to sit down and not have anything important to do hanging over me. It's kind of a nice feeling. Take it from me - Christmas Eve is not a great time to move house, there's enough to think about without having to spend hours cleaning and moving boxes and cleaning and cleaning and cleaning.

I hate cleaning.

In case I haven't mentioned - I've moved back in with my parents for a year, which is frightfully uncool but it's so I can try and save up to buy my own cute little flat somewhere... or stunning and huge, but I am realistic about my budget. It's actually kinda nice being back in the countryside (my outfit photos are about to get a lot more scenic), in my cosy old attic room with a very fluffy Lola at my side. It's kind of hard not to slide back into the habit of being looked after by my mum, I have to say.

I had a super lovely Christmas, and my break is even lovelier now all my things are put away and I can relax! It was so nice to spend time with my family and play with all my nephews and neices. Plus, I was super spoiled this year. Hooray for presents! I've even managed a tiny bit of sales shopping, which is probably my last chance to spend money before I start saving every penny towards a mortgage (now there's a scary word).

I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas! What are you up to for New Year's? I'm off to a wine and cheese party, although with my friends that's basically a normal party. I'm not sure I'd like to go to a party with no wine or cheese. That just sounds wrong.

Merry Christmas!

8. Found somewhere to put all my shoes | 9. Lola!
10. Awesome leftovers sandwich
11-12. Sale purchases via New Look, Topshop, Dorothy Perkins, Pop Boutique and Sugarhill Boutique

1 comment

  1. Glad you managed to get all moved out/in OK! I love your presents and sale picks too :)

    Maria xxx


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