Tuesday, 1 March 2011

There's no nicer witch than you.

On Saturday, the lovely people at Witch Skincare invited me along to an afternoon of guilty pleasures and innocent treats. INTRIGUED.

The event was to celebrate the launch of their new makeup range, which is all about improving your skin while you wear it, whilst still letting you enjoy all those naughty things that do bad things to your skin. Sure, we could only drink water and never touch chocolate and eat lettuce for every meal, but let's face it, it's way more preferable to drink wine and lots of chocolate and chips. Which is the point of the makeup range. Well, okay, it doesn't actually say 'Drink wine!' on the packaging but the point is that the makeup sorts out your skin so you don't have to abstain from all your guilty pleasures.

The ladies at Witch and 1000heads spoiled us rotten and had laid on lots of activities - aside from the amazing food (and LOTS of wine) we had makeovers, manicures, massages, cookie-decorating, knitting, poker lessons and even palm-reading! I had a lovely makeover and an amaaaaazing massage, and also got my palm read which was fascinating. Apparently I'm going to be super powerful in like ten years time. Watch out, everyone.

We also had a lesson in Burlesque from Miss Kittie Klaw who taught us all about how to pose - useful for bloggers (apparently the trusty radiator in the back of all my shots totally ruins the line of my pics - but I have nowhere else to stand!). I'm desperate to go to a burlesque show now, it was so interesting.

There was so much food that we were begged to take some home, so I ended up hopping on the train loaded up with pizza, sweets, popcorn, cakes, fruit and my very own personalised cookie. Oh, and a carrot. Don't ask.

Witch also gave us loads and loads of products to try, I'm looking forward to giving them a go and will be sure to report back. My oily skin is the bane of my life so any help is gratefully received!

I had such an amazing day! It was lovely to hang out with Lucy again, as well as the super fun 1000heads ladies and lots of new blogger faces. Blog events can be almost cliquey as you tend to see the same faces, and so you stick to your friends, but it was really good to get out of my comfort zone and mingle a bit without the likes of Hayley, Ellie and Amy there to distract me! :)

Most pics by me but quite a few nabbed from the Witch Skincare flickr!


  1. Sounds like an amazing event! When will the make up range be on sale? I need to update my underused and out of date make up bag in the next month - I'm keen to try something which wont kill my overly sensitive skin (something has to be sensitive on me coz the rest of me is built like Rhino hide!).

  2. Was lovely to meet you :) had a brilliant day xx

  3. The photo with the carrot gave me a bit of a shock at first haha!

    Wow looks like a lovely day. It'll be great to hear some reviews on the products :) xx

  4. When you told me about the carrot, I assumed you meant like a carrot stick, not an entire carrot. You are a bit loopy (but this is why I like you)

  5. Sounds like so much fun. I'm a Witch fan, so I'll definitely be checking out the make up range.
    And those cupcakes look so delicious!

  6. A carrot?! What on earth? The rest of the food looks lush though - gotta love a skincare company that tempt you in with popcorn!

  7. Sounds like you had such an amazing time you lucky girl!
    I have that dress you wore :)

  8. was so great to have a little chat with you again :) there was so much to do, always feel a bit over whelmed at events.
    love the carrot photo! haha

  9. they may witch skincare near where I live on all the industrial estates! therefore I feel it's terribly unfair that they didn't have a northern bloggers event ;-) i may have to check out this, i love my clinique anti blemish make up but this is bound to be a cheaper alternative for when i run out.

  10. sounds amazing! :) glad you had such a lovely time. love the carrot. i'm a new follower too. xo.

  11. That looks like great fun, looking forward to reading your opinion on the products x

  12. I would LOVE to go to a burlesque show, maybe that could be a blogger event?! I am a bit bemused by the carrot but looking forward to trying the make-up when it comes out :)

    Maria xxx

  13. Looks like you had a great time hun xxxx

  14. Wow, this looks like such a fun event! I am so jealous, the Burlesque dancer looks awesome! I'm still not totally convinced by Burlesque, mainly becasue the outfits are usually so good I'd rather look at the ladies with clothes on than off!

  15. aaahhh Sarah you've done the best post! Really dont think i can do better than this! Your pictures are lush and youve written it all so well, I had better have a good think before I post!
    Thanks for mentioning me! See you soon im sure :)
    p.s hahaha loving the orange sausage in the last pic


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