Thursday, 2 August 2012

Travelling tales, travelling tales...

I feel a little bit like I’m living in a fantasy world at the moment. Mostly, it consists of what I’d do if I had more money – which is surely a sign that I need to stop treating my savings account as a current account – and although I am trying to be a bit more sensible (less dress-buying is the key, I think), my daydreams are getting more and more fantastical. But here’s where I have to hang my head as a fashion blogger – it’s not about clothes (or handbags) at ALL – it’s about places. I have crazy, crazy wanderlust at the moment.

So, in the spirit of wishlists (well, it was just my birthday after all), I present to you my ultimate list of Places I Must Visit.

I’ve been obsessed with going to Iceland for a while now. To the extent that knowing Easyjet fly to Reykjavik is downright DANGEROUS. I want to go and see the Northern Lights! Go whale watching! Take photos on glaciers! It just looks so beautiful. IT HAS TO HAPPEN.

Image source

I think Lost In Translation is to blame for this, even though it paints a rather bleak picture. But the cherry blossom gardens, the awesome shops, the DIFFERENTNESS of it all – I really want to go. As a seafood-hater I should be concerned I’ll hate the food, but I really don’t care. I just want to GO.

So many of my friends have been (a few even live on that side of the world) that it seems madness I haven’t been yet, but there it is. I would love to. It just looks stunning, and I bet they do really good steaks. Although I wouldn’t go in the sea because I am pathologically terrified of sharks.

New Zealand
See above, but even more stunning and also HOBBITS.

Image source.

New York
I went when I was 19 and didn’t have an amazing time because it was boiling hot and we stayed in a horrible hostel, but after seeing my friends’ photos on flickr, it’s jumped to the top of my list again.

I’ll admit, this is entirely based around Harry Potter World. I WANT TO GO.

Ever since I went last year I’ve been dying to go back. So much so, that I am! In September. I couldn’t stay away from that much wine and cheese and pasta. I basically want to move there and quadruple my body weight.

Well, that’s thoroughly depressed me in this oh-so-English summer. Where’s on your Ultimate Wish List?

Written in collaboration.


  1. New York. Always. I've been 3 times but just can't get enough. Am hoping to persuade the boyfriend to take a trip there later this year.

    As for places I haven't been: Australia, Japan, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Thailand, Bali and Santorini! Yep, I have serious wanderlust too!

  2. I've never been one who's suffered from the travelling bug. But I would love to go to Paris, and at the moment anywhere I can lie on the beach in the sunshinE!

  3. Iceland, New Zealand, New York, Northern Italy, Kefalonia and Vietnam are top of my current list! I could add more! I'm going to Vietnam in just over a week and I am planning travelling around Northern Italy next year. Places I have ticked off my ultimate wish list and loved are Singapore, Borneo, Croatia and Venice. x

  4. I'd also love to see the northern lights in iceland! Japan and Italy are the two places I want to go next, having visited NY and Paris last year! My boyfriend is wanting to go back to NY this xmas so Tokyo and Rome will have to wait!

  5. I have so many places I want to visit. I'm going to India with my parents later this year (so excited!). I would also love to go to Japan and visit New York again. :) x

  6. I really wanted to comment on the other lovely and interesting places you talked about (seeing the Northern Lights is on my bucket list, for example) but the thing I found myself typing first was.. OH MY GOD I WANT TO GO TO HARRY POTTER WORLD SO BAD. So there you go, well done Cultural Connie, you've shown your true colours again..

  7. I've been to Japan three times with a fourth visit in December. I loved it. It will be a stopover on my way home to Scotland for Xmas & New Year, from Australia where I live with my other half.
    New Zealand is absolutely breathtaking. The south island is especially stunning, so you should most definitely go there sometime. Pop in and say hi on your way there!
    While I'm home, we'll be taking a trip to the northern tip of Norway in the hope of seeing the Aurora Borealis (cos I've always wanted to see them since forver).
    On the way back to Oz, we're stopping in New York. Never been to NY so that can be ticked off the list. Woohoo!

  8. Ah great post, I'm the exact same I dream of places not things! I'd love to go to Iceland as well. My other places would ave to be San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro, Peru and Kenya. I wish I had the money to go away. Very jealous of you going to Italy! I love Italy
    Daniella x


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