Thursday, 24 January 2013

Caught a lovely butterfly

New brand crush alert! I was perusing ASOS the other night and noticed this dress, by Nishe. I ADORE IT. I love the collar, the full skirt and the print - no, it's not polka dots, it's hearts. Adorable! (If you recognise it, 'the other night' was when I was putting this post together) I am also crazy for that scalloped hem - oh my gosh, the second this dress goes in the sale, it is MINE.

So then I did the natural thing and took a look to see what other dresses Nishe makes. So many cute ones! Look:

Click the image to go to the dress!

It's not the cheapest brand - some of the dresses are £100+ - but others are around the more reasonable £30/£40 mark. That burgundy star print dress is just £27 in the sale, and I've been itching for a star print dress FOREVER. The pink butterfly dress is a snippet more at, er, £99, but it's beautiful. Wouldn't it be stunning for a wedding? It has a giant bow on the back! And I keep thinking about how I have these red patent Blink heels from Spartoo that would go with it PERFECTLY. It's AMAZING.

I actually think I want all of them, and I can't remember the last time that happened. So. Pretty. OMG.


  1. These dresses are beautiful!

    Maria xxx

  2. I love the Nishe stuff on ASOS. They had a rainbow and cloud embroidered dress a while back, so whimsical and wonderful but it sold out in my size. I love the green heart print on the top dress and the scallop hem, but I'm not sold on the collar, I wonder if it might be detachable... Not sure why I'm thinking about this when I'm 4 months pregnant and won't be wearing anything that's not stretchy for the forseeable future!

  3. Ooh they're so pretty! I've never heard of them either, I may check them out! x

  4. I generally hate star prints but that red dress with the star print I was immediately attracted too. I need to get it!! It will be perfect for work :)

  5. I almost hate you for sharing this.

  6. I love the scalloped hem on the first dress, if it had sleeves it would be on my wish list too, also if I had spare cash I think the star print one would be mine xxx

  7. I saw this brand myself on ASOS a few weeks ago and also fell in love. My favourites are the first one and the blue one. Just love the shape :) x


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