Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The sky's the limit, you can reach your goal.

It's going to be another crazy weddingy year for me this year - FOUR, unless someone else gets engaged and is incredibly efficient. Or unless I elope. My way is that I plan far, far in advance what I'm going to wear. So! At one, I'm hoping to wear this beauty. At another, hopefully the blue dress I bought a few weeks ago. The third, I'll be in a bridesmaid dress. And the fourth, I'm hoping to wear a dress that's never featured here before, although it has been mentioned.

You might remember in January last year, I did an outfit post with a GORGEOUS pink dress that I wore to - you guessed it - a wedding. The thing with the pink dress was that I was never supposed to wear it, or even OWN it, because I'd fully been intending to wear a lovely Jasper Conran navy polka dot dress instead. The problem was that Christmas happened, and, um, it didn't fit.

Taken in October 2011.

I keep thinking about that dress. I've never worn it outside of a changing room, and I bloody want to. I lost my first stone on Weight Watchers this week, so what would be really ace is if this post was about me saying 'Guys! I tried that navy dress on! It totally fit!' But that's not true, because it's still in storage at my parents' house from when I moved last year, and because I know that, actually, that stone has bought me back to the point where the PINK dress fits, but not the navy. Not yet.

Anyway. The first wedding of the year is in June, and I have decided that I WILL wear that dress. And it will fit. And I will wear it with red shoes and a red flower in my hair and it will look amazing and a little bit nautical and awesome. Because we all need goals, and that's mine.

However, after ordering my fourth pair of red heels (these insane Melissa heels - GUH) with that dress in mind, I might have to admit I have a problem. I can't wear them all, can I?

(L-R: Rainbow Club, Shelly's, Blink)

...can I?

PS - Yes, that IS an S Club 7 lyric in the subject line. YOU LOVE IT.


  1. This dress looks so gorgeous on you and the red will compliment it perfectly! Can't wait to see it on you :)



  2. That dress is perfect on you Sarah! And um, those shoes in the middle. Dorothy shoes. Want. (I never leave the house so can hardly justify buying heels!)

  3. Of course you can wear them all, just not at once! Anyway, it's not like they're exactly the same. You need a good selection in order to pick the perfect pair to match that beautiful frock!

  4. I knew it! Totally singing Reach For The Stars to myself now. I am the coolest... Absolutely love that dress, and that sounds like a really achievable goal. I think it's a good idea to have something concrete to aims for, rather than just 'I want to lose weight'. Well done on losing the first stone. xx

  5. I'm a sucker for red shoes. I love them. If you have a problem, I do as well. Perhaps we can start a support group.

  6. Good luck on your quest!! I have every faith in you :D and there's nothing wrong with shoe rotation over the course of a day right? ;)

  7. I love this dress on you and it will look perfect with the red shoes! Good luck with the weight loss goal, I need to get on with it, I have dresses I want to wear!

    Maria xxx

  8. I LOVE that dress it's practically perfect in every way =D good for you, you can reach that goal =) I am aiming to wear a bikini by July. DIE.
    Erm... I think you will have to where all 4 pairs of reed shoes you know... they are just too pretty to choose! xx

  9. Well done on losing your first stone! That dress is amazing.

  10. I love the dress, its a great goal to try and reach!! The shoes are gorgeous too! Its good to have choice ha!

  11. I'm already one wedding down, two to go - no idea what to wear but fortunately I have another six months to pick something!

  12. Ahh, I need to set myself a proper goal like this, I feel as though I'm just floating aimlessly at the moment.
    You will look fab in that dress x


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